Chapter 15

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After finishing our meal and talking for a few minutes we returned home. Taylor never letting go of my hand until we arrived to his office. He shut the door behind him as we entered and let go of my wrist. Slightly sore I rubbed it to sooth the pain.

"Sorry" Taylor says as he smiles at me apologetically. He sits down at his seat and places his hands under his chin.

"Taylor I have something I have yet to admit. While I was in that coma I talked to the moon goddess, she explained quite a few things to me." I look down at the floor feeling Taylor's eyes on me.

"She said that I have power stronger than any type that this world has ever seen. A angel's soul is connected with mine therefor I have his powers. She told me that if I want to save this world from evil than I will learn to control over my powers however if I wish to harm the world he will take over. My mother was the moon goddess's sister." I explain to Taylor he doesn't once look away or say anything.

"I already know while you were in a coma Alec did some research about you." Taylor narrows his eyes then furrows his brows together into a frown.

"Ash how can you be so calm. I mean someone might want to take away that power?" He asks looking at me with worry glazed over his face.

"Remember I have power stronger than any other. If anyone harms you or anyone else that I care deeply for I will not hesitate to hurt them back." My voice deepens at the ending causing shock to lace Taylor's face. His shoulders and face relax before he gives me a small smile.

"If you have the control of your powers or have yet to learn about them I will give you lessons of self-defence myself. I will not baby you anymore but if by any way you get hurt by someone else them I will not hesitate to pull you away from harm's way. I trust you." His face now completely serious with every word that just left his mouth. Gosh that serious tone of his has me melting.

"By the way Ash do you know how to awaken your powers seeing as you did just meet her. Did she tell you?" Come to think of it no she didn't.

'Snowy do you possibly know how to awaken our powers?'

I ask waiting in silence for the answer my eyes never leaving Taylor's beautiful green ones.

'Yes, to awaken your powers you need to mate with Taylor the next full moon. If by then he hasn't marked you then it will cause chaos beyond our control.'

I blush immensely, even a tomato will be put to shame.

"Errr, ummm, w-well we might have to m-mate and m-mark each other by the next full moon." The last part I rush out looking down at my feet. I glance up at Taylor also wins at putting a tomato to shame.

"If you're ready then we can but I want your full permission on this. Never will I force you to do something against your will." He looks down at his desk just as embarrassed as I am.

"I'll be ready but do you think that we can wait for three days so I can just mentally and emotionally prepare myself?" My voice barely audible but enough for him to hear. He smiles goofily my own goofy smile tugging at my lips.

"I'm perfectly okay with that, whenever you're ready" he smiles brightly then pats his lap. I walk over to him and sit down. His places his hand on my hair and begins to play with my hair. He gives me a trail of soft kisses on my neck causing me to giggle.

After a while I decide to go outside where all the pups are playing. Some of them in their wolf form, tackling each other letting out bright cheerful giggles. Others are playing in their human form. This was probably the place where I feel any other type of calmness except when I'm with Taylor. Some mothers were running around chasing after their kids.

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