Chapter 4

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The sun peeks through my eyelids forcing me to wake up much to my dislike. A small squeeze on my hand causes fireworks of pain to shoot through my body. A familiar sweet fragrance wafts up my nose. However, the pain in my arm worsens distracting me from the wonderful smell.

An inhumanly groan slips past my lips as I use one my elbows to help myself up. My eyes trail down to my hand that appears to be entwined with another big pair of hands. My eyes follow the arms to find them attached to my mates se... body. Surprised to see Taylor, I quickly yank my hand away from his weak grip. Biggest mistake of my life, I attempted to stand up. Pain sprouted throughout my whole body. I use the IV drip stand to balance myself nearly falling without the use of the IV drip.

In the corner of my eyes a ghostly figure walks in the mirror nearly giving me a heart attack. There instead of my reflection I see a ghost. Gosh I'm beginning to become delusional.

'Wait I shouldn't look this pale; I mean I look almost like a vampire. I didn't even cut deep enough to loose so much blood guess I lost too much blood running away from the rogues.'

A deep groan besides me causes me to jump in fright. I turn around just in time to notice Taylor waking from his slumber.

"You're finally awake baby" he tiredly whispers with a smile, rubbing his eyes tiredly. His deep voice sending pleasurable shivers down my spine. The way the nickname rolled off his tongue catching me way off guard. Suddenly I remember exactly what happened before I passed out.

'Right, I forgot that this guy was my mate for a second and that the Beta brought me here for interrogation.'

"You've been passed out for three days, do you possibly want any food. Wait that's a stupid question of course you want food. You haven't eaten for three days." Taylor blabbers on looking shyly down at his feet before meeting my eyes.

He lets out a yawn. Gosh that was cute. No, No, No I won't let myself be swept away. His hair is a messy mop causing a smile to slip onto my lips only to disappear soon enough. He can't learn of any weak spots of mine; he might always change his mind and attack me later. My guards aren't going to break down after having them up for ten years. It took a lot of time and effort to put them up and keep them up.

I shake my head in a 'no' motion only to hear a loud grumble disturb me of my thoughts. 'Dammit stomach you couldn't shut-up for a few seconds.'

"I'll go and get breakfast for you. After all it seems that you might really need it." He gives me a quick wink before leaving to go get me breakfast even though I might just end up throwing it up anyway. He leaves me alone, my wolf whimpering at the loss of his presence.

After ten minutes or so he returns with a tray of delicious smelling food.

My stomach growls loudly, gosh it's like a whale. Taylor chuckles under his breathe showing off his pearly white teeth. Gently he places the tray of food onto my lap with a kind, handsome smile.

I hesitate to take a bite of the food, worried that he might hit me if I take one bite of the mouth-watering smelling food. Taylors attitude might change into one of rage, he might just grab my plate and throw it into my face and laugh at me. The memories flash before my eyes leaving goose bumps littering my skin.

Suddenly a loud bang from the door echoes throughout the room causing me to nearly jump out of my skin. My eyes look up to see the loud person, but there was no point. I didn't even know who it was. From the look of their clothes it looked like she must be a pack doctor. Well no shit she was a pack doctor. She is wearing a long white coat like other doctors. No shit Sherlock. I scold myself internally for being an idiot.

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