Chapter 6

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Taylor and I sat in the pack infirmary while Sophie bandaged my scars. Of course the new scars were healed but Taylor still needed to be sure that they weren't just suddenly going to bleed out or something. After Sophie finished cleaning my leg and wrapping it she took a seat in front of Taylor and I. Her eyes set on me as she looked at me curiously.

"We need to talk about your wolf form. The last time I heard of a white wolf was 2000 years ago." She leans forward and looks into my eyes as if looking into my eyes she might find what she's searching for. After a while she seems to give up as she lets out a sigh. I took out my speaking notepad and started writing something on it.

'I don't know why I'm white if I recall my father is human and my mother was half werewolf half witch.'

She seems to think for a while before answering. "That shouldn't be the cause of your white wolf unless your mother was somehow related to the Moon Goddess or someone just as powerful as the Moon Goddess."

'My mother never had any sisters or brothers that I know of. Her father died shortly after I was born and so did her mother. It was actually the day that I was born that they both died in a mysterious car accident.'

Her eyebrows scrunch up together into a frown. Her face eventually relaxes as she looks between Taylor and I.

"We'll talk about this later. Also Ash I have a question do you by any chance have any friends there was a nice scent on you when I first met but you aren't my mate so it must be someone you know. It was faint but it was there."

My mind wonders over to Roxie. She was my only friend and the only person that actually well touched me before I ran away other than my father but since she said it was very faint it must have been Roxie.

'Roxie, she's my only friend. If you want to meet her go to 67 Valliant St.' I write down her address and her name. Sophie looks at the name for a few longer seconds before getting up.

"I'll leave you two alone for a while and I'm going to go and find your friend to tell her you won't be attending school for a while." Sophie leaves but not before blowing a kiss in our direction. A small giggle passes my lips as she disappears.

"Your beginning to smile more often." Taylor looks at me with the cutest smile on his face. It nearly made me feel like melting in my own seat.

"Hey Ash?"

I let out a 'hmm'. Taylor looks at me then to the ground suddenly he places his hands on my own.

"I won't force you and take as long as you wish but could you please try to speak to me?"

He wasn't lying and it's not like I did like not talking. The question registered in my mind. It wouldn't be so bad to talk again. I stopped talking all together because father hated when I talked he kept saying it reminded him of mother so I stopped. I nod a 'yes' and smile at him.

'What should I say first then?' As if reading my mind Taylor starts to speak.

"Maybe start with saying my name?" It wasn't an order or anything more an unsure question. He gives me his puppy dog eyes. Shit he knows my weakness but they look so much more cutter on Taylor than anyone else that might've given me puppy dog eyes. Okay breath and speak. Easy right? I've done it before but at that time talking wasn't my priority.

"T-Tay-l-lor" My throat felt dry and scratchy but I managed to say it. My throat felt sore but I was just happy to be able to say Taylor's name. He smiled at me with adoration and love.

"Like I said don't force yourself okay? I don't want you to hurt yourself so take a few deep breathes and see if you can do it without stuttering." His expression turned to worry however I felt determination in my stomach so I tried again without stuttering.

"Taylor" I say. I said it but it didn't satisfy my determination to say more. He had the biggest grin on his face. A proud look painted on his expression as his hands were brought up to caress my cheeks.

"Taylor I l-love you" It wasn't right no stutter can be allowed to be said in those important words. I started to cough out of control but I wasn't going to let it be.

"Taylor I love you." Just as those words left my lips Taylor pulled me into his chest as my shoulder began to get wet from something. Taylor was crying?

'Was my voice that bad. Did he not like it? What should I d-'

Something soft brushes against my lips sending tingles erupting through my lips. I bring my hands up to my face covering my tingling lips.

'He k-k-k-kissed ME!'

"Can I kiss you again?" His hands caress my neck leaving shivers of delight behind. Lust and desire coated his green eyes while they held a gentle look to them.

I nodded while bringing our lips together again. Sparks flared up in my lips. Our mouths fought for dominance as he leaned closer bring our bodies together. He stood up however never breaking the kiss apart. After I lost the fight for dominance something slithered into my mouth causing a gasp and a moan to fill the room. My hand grasped his shirt tightly holding on as if my life depended on it. My body grew hot with every passing second. Taylor pulled away first taking a large intake of air as I gasped for the air I needed. I heavily panted as I looked into Taylor's gorgeous emerald eyes. They were beautiful. He was beautiful/

'I love him so much.'

"I love you too" he replies even though I never said it out loud he must have known what I was thinking.

Taylor's POV

The first time the words left Ash's lips it was barely above a whisper but the second time it was loud and clear.

"Taylor I love you" Ash looks into my eyes, I pull him into my embrace and feel the tears brim at my eyes. I was so happy and proud of my perfect mate. He begins to panic and I couldn't help the urge that washed over me. Gently I brush my lips over Ash, my mate. At first he looked surprised but I didn't want to stop.

"Can I kiss you again?" I ask as I place my hands on his pale cheeks and gently caress them. He nods and that's all I needed. I brush my lips against his again only it becomes rougher as the air fills with lust and desire. His soft plump lips melted into my mine perfectly. We fought for dominance something I never though Ash would do but he fought and I loved every second of it. After a while I won and slithered my tongue along his bottom lip before plunging it into his warm mouth. My tongue explored every part of his sweet mouth enjoying his taste. He gasped in surprise while grasping my shirt as if letting go would mean he would lose me forever. He truly was beautiful from head to toe to inside to out. I wanted to mark him but I held back, he wasn't ready. Not after everything he's been through. I pulled apart from him reluctantly. He panted his face hot and a deep blush coating his cheeks. He was gorgeous and no one could deny it.

"I love you too" I tell him knowing exactly what he was thinking.

Suddenly interrupting our moment Alec mind links, me.

'Alpha there appears to be a problem. Rogues are waiting outside and they are demanding for Ash'.

'Why?' I growled back. No one was laying a single finger on my mate for as long as I live.

'No Alpha they refuse to say anything other than demanded for Ash. If you don't come now they said they would declare war on our pack. It appears that Hunters have joined up with the rogues.'

'I'm coming down now, whatever you do don't say anything about Ash.' I shut off the link and turn over to Ash who wears a worried expression.

"Ash baby, I need to go and help Alec with something outside. Stay here until I return and don't move from this place until I tell you to, okay?" He nods his head at me. A smile pulls at my lips as I gently place my lips onto his forehead and stroke his hair once more before standing up and running out the door.

'Alec I'm on my way now.' 

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