Chapter 10

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My eyes peel open to reveal an unfamiliar ceiling but it wasn't dirty like mine, no cracks ran through. It wasn't dark and gloomy instead had a window that the sun shone through. This sweet consisted of a sweet aroma, not piss, blood and vomit. A soft snore next to me snaps my attention away from admiring the room. I look over to where handsome man sleeps peacefully next to me.


My wolf quietly says, never have I heard his voice before but this was so good to hear it brought me happiness to hear it. I look over to my mate, his brown hair falls over his face covering his long eyelashes. He looks so hot but it doesn't mean I can trust him. He could always change his mind, reject me and put into the dungeons. Carefully I climbed off the bed, grabbing my shirt and opening the window. My eyes widen in slight horror at the dead bodies that were scattered on the ground.

I jump out the window and shift into my wolf mid-air. If I didn't hurry, I could be caught then tortured for running away. I land on all fours like an agile cat. With a steady sprint I run into the forest, blanketed by the darkness. Passing all the dead wolves, blood staining the grass.

Nearly an hour later or two, the rogue house comes into view. To my shock I notice Lewis talking to one of the hunters almost looking sad. To my shock I recognize my stupidity for returning. 'Crap, how can I be stupid enough to forget I was running away?'

After seeing my mate, all thoughts just flew away. Dam it, for certain I was gonna die. Sorry my mate. Blame this for my stupidity.

Lewis spots me from the corner of his eyes and seem to give me a look that could kill. He takes long angry strides towards me stopping all conversation with the hunter.

"You! Didn't you die! Why are you here with the scent of the packs Beta tainting all over you! Disgusting mutt! It's all your fault that father died. If you just had done what you were meant to do dad wouldn't have died!" Lewis screams while thrashing in the hold of the hunter. The hunter looked at me in sympathy and sadness? Why? He's a hunter usually they sneer at just the sight of me. This hunter is weird.

The shadow of Lewis's arm over shadow's me only for it to be held back by another hand. My eyes looked at my saviour. It was like two of the same people standing in front of me. One was holding back Lewis while the other held onto Lewis's arm raised mid-air. He growls in anger and breaks free grabbing hold of my shirt collar and throwing me against the wall. His hand grips my hair and smashes my head against the wall.

Black dots invade my vision that last thing I see it Lewis being pulled off me by the two hunters.


In agony I wake up to my wrist and ankles burning from the silver chains attached to my legs. A pathetic whimper passes from my lips at the burning sensation. My eyes look around to find myself in one of the rogue's dungeons. The walls made of stone. The stench of blood, piss and vomit all hit my nose at once.

'This is the torturing chamber'

The door opens with a creak causing me to look over to where two males are dragged and thrown into the cell beside me. They were the same ones that pulled Lewis off me earlier. They both appeared to be passed out on the ground. The guards snickered as they left, locking the cage before leaving. Even if it burns I use the chains to make a lot of noise. The two hunters stir in their unconscious state. The clanging of the chains fills the air as well as the low hiss of pain coming from my lips with every movement my wrist burns.

Eventually they both wake up and look at me.

"You're safe, that's a relief." One of them sighs while the other one seems to let out a sigh of relief as well.

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