Chapter 17

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After seeing Roxie off Taylor and I return to our room. Lazily I flop onto the bed and let out a long sigh. Something next to my ear crunches catching my attention, I lift up my head to notice a crumbled piece of paper on my pillow.

"What do you have there baby?" Taylor asks coming over to me curiously. His PJ's and mine in his hand.

"Actually I'm not sure it was on my pillow maybe a note?" The envelope had a red seal keeping it closed, I rip it open of course.

'Dear my love

Lots of love and kisses on Valentine's Day from your one and only mate and admirer

From your love life and now your life long stalker


P.S. I hope we meet soon'

I don't know why but my body begins to tremble in fear as my eyes continue to scan the letter over and over again. Taylor peeks over my shoulder and reads the letter every second more anger comes off him in waves.

"W-what and who do you think it is?" I ask my body trembling pathetically, my bottom lip quivering.

"For now we'll leave it but if this person continues to keep writing these letters, we'll search for them. However, all we can do is prepare for the mating ceremony and how to control your powers." Taylor hugs my trembling form which soon slowly stop shaking. The tingling sensations erupt all over my skin, his warmth sharing my own body heat.

I can't help melt into his body letting my head rest again his chest as I drift to a deep slumber.


My nose skims the letter in my hand, trying to sense even a hint of the smell of the person that sent this letter. Sadly, the only smell on this thing was of female perfume which hurt my dam nose. Man it was going to be hard to find this person whoever they are.

I look over the letter looking at back seeing there's more writing. This person is definitely not smart.

'Ashy babe, if you don't want your mate to die then come to Stocktake St at 11:35 am tomorrow night

Love your true mate'

This guy is pissing me off. I place the letter on the side desk and stroke Ash's soft, fluffy hair. His head laying on my thigh, his even breathes giving me a sense of happiness and security. Slowly, I lift his head to place a pillow underneath it then mind link Alec.

'Meet me in the office in five minutes, now'

I open the doors to my office to already find Alec sitting on one of the chairs waiting for me patiently. I shove the letter at him so he could read it. His eyebrows knit together into a frown, his eyes look up at me then back at the note.

"This was on Ash's pillow. I want ten warriors at your side as we follow Ash to that street and wait to see what that man wants. If anything goes wrong the warriors will be there, tell them to cover their scents."

Alec nods and hands back the letter then exits my office. He bows in respect once more before leaving closing the door behind him. With a sigh I close my eyes and lean back on my chair. Why is it so hard to have some peace and quiet with my mate? Deciding that I need my mate in my arms to calm me I head back.

My body gently falls onto the bed where Ash lays, his warmth transferring from under the sheets. Gosh how I wanted to run my hands down his soft pale skin. Ravish him. Bite him on the nape. Clam him as all mine. No snap out of it, I'm not a pervert. But it's not like I can be blamed for feeling this way, I love him.

I will do anything in my power until my very last breath to protect him.

His soft even breathes bring me to sleep, my arms wrapped around his small body protectively. He turns over and snakes his arms around my torso, our heart beats in sync.

The next morning, Ash is still asleep in my arms nuzzling my chest. I didn't want to get up but with my stomach going off I might wake Ash up. Much to my dismay I pull his arms apart and leave the room to go downstairs.

Maybe it was best if I had stayed in my room cause right as I entered the kitchen the pack slut (don't have the energy to call her by her name) is making out with one of my warriors. Her legs tightly wrapped around her pushing her body flush against his. Their make out session comes to a stop when they sense me enter the room.

Her eyes widen as she pushes the man away, he looked actually relieved though. He scurries off leaving the kitchen.

"Oh Alpha, I wasn't cheating on you. I'm so sorry he just suddenly forced himself up on me. I really hope you can forgive me it wasn't my fault. You should exile him for trying to rape me and he even has the nerve to do that when I'm your mate." Veronica walks towards me then fist my favourite shirt, her perfume running up my nose. I scrunch it up in disgust.

Either she's got serious memory loss or actually delusional. She rubs her chest against me causing me to rip her away from me with a sneer.

"Don't touch me and do not order me around. My mate is sleeping in my room and he is the only Luna in this pack so don't you dare order me again. Also don't force yourself on others that man looked like he was actually happy to leave." For some reason my anger raised, it was rude for me as the Alpha to say these things but she was really getting on my nerves.

I start to make breakfast for Ash and I ignoring the shocked Veronica. Once finished I'm about to exit the kitchen when suddenly Veronica blocks the way.

"I'm your mate, he's just a fake." She persists, that was when I heard my last nerve snap. I let out my loud deep Alpha growl, she flinches and cowers in fear but refuses to move.

"Get out of the way and never touch me again or you'll be exiled from this pack." She whimpers and moves out of the way baring her neck as a sign of submission and respect. I pity her mate. I walk back to our room when Ash just wakes up. He rubs his eyes as they flutter open instantly landing on me. A small adorable smile pulls at his lips.

His bed hair sticking out all over place. I place our trays filled with food on the table where Ash gets up and walks over.

"Ash I have something to ask of you, could you please go to a location, it was written on the back of the note from last night. I'll have warriors positioned everywhere if anything goes wrong. I refuse to put you in any danger but could you please help me this once." His face darkens as he looks up at me with an unreadable expression. He nods looking like it was forced.

"Taylor I will do what you want me too but I have a question. Whose smell is that on you?" My eyes widen when I recall what happened before, his voice was unusually deep from jealousy or anger. It gave me a chill.

"Veronica, the female that attacked you when you first arrived. She was in the kitchen forcing one of my warriors into something against his will but left when I arrived. However, she started to rub herself against me but I pushed her off. I apologize for not being able to get rid of the scent before I could arrive." The anger from his expression softens. Wow today there's so many expressions I've never seen on Ash's face before. He gets up and walks towards me however what comes next shocks me.

He hugs me then rubs his chest against me, rubbing off his scent onto me. His delicious smell invades my senses. My control is running thin. My wolf pushes to the surface but is pushed down back by me. I let out a growl but not of anger or any sort more of warning. His body trembles against me.

He lets go and walks back to his hot food taking a seat again. His eyes fall down his lap when his face tints red in embarrassment. His smell still attached to my body like glue. His smell still attached to my body like glue.

It's getting harder to hold back; this is making it a lot of worse. I run to the bathroom slamming the door shut behind me. My body slides down the door as I try to picture old ladies in the shower naked much to my dislike. Eventually my body calms down and I can think again. 

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