Chapter 24

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It's been a few months since Taylor and the pack saved Noah and I from that rotten bastard, from what Taylor told me he off him so that I could be reassured yet there was that ever so growing anxiety that built up every so often. I could sense the fact that Taylor also knew something felt wrong about how easily it was over yet for now all we could do was ignore the nagging feeling and continue on with life.

I did forget to mention that I have been feeling nauseous recently mainly in the early morning and I'll even have the most random mood swings so I haven't been feeling the best. Noah has been recovering, slowly beginning to be able to talk again with the help of Alec of course who has been following him like a puppy since the day we arrived back from the kidnapping.

It's rather sweet but Taylor hasn't left me alone either and due to my mood swings I'm getting more and more irritated with him being around me all the time. Trust me when I say if I wasn't having weird mood swings, I'd be all for it but not now. Sometimes I'll start an argument with Taylor without a valid reason and we'd argue, then I'd end up breaking into tears while Taylor ogles me and apologizes.

Taylor and I are lying in bed relaxing, Taylor's spent most of his day in the office signing papers while I've been stuck in bed for the day ordered by Taylor when I threw up this morning again. His protective arms are gently snaked around my waist and stomach which I've been noticing to get larger as the days pass. His soft breath tickles my ear as one of his hands creates soothing patterns up and down my back.

Within seconds bile rises up to my stomach and I make haste to push Taylor away and sprint into the bathroom spilling all of lunches contents into the toilet. I sneer in disgust as Taylor jogs into the bathroom and pulls my hair back while gently rubbing my back in a circular motion.

I lay my head on the toilet seat with my arm underneath as I look up at a worried Taylor. "Baby, are you okay?" He asks stroking a stray strand of hair behind my ear before gently using the pad of his thumb to stroke away a tear.

"I'm fine, I won't be dying any time soon." I reassure him as I sit up and attempt to stand up with the help of Taylor. He helps me over to the bed and grabs me some of his baggy clothes and a toothbrush with some toothpaste on it. He's so nice. More tears roll down my face as I watch Taylor scurry around the room trying to find something that might help sooth me.

He wraps the blanket around me just as my stomach announces it's presence with a growl of hunger. A blush paints my cheeks as Taylor lets a smile tug to his lips as he looks at me lovingly.

"Baby, I know you probably this but you realize your pregnant right?" He asks unsure but a sly smirk takes it place on his plump lips as he takes a seat down beside me. Yes, the thought has crossed my mind several times and at this point I know it's true so haven't bothered seeing the Sophie to confirm it. I could feel the waves of Taylor's joyful emotions rolling off him, honestly, I can picture him with his tail waging excitedly.

"I know, and I love it that I'm pregnant but the morning sickness and mood swings is really exhausting me." I tell him rubbing my slightly swollen belly, as he stares down at the movement. I don't why he thought I hadn't noticed that I was pregnant I mean it's pretty obvious.

His eyes light up like his favourite chew toy was just thrown. "I love you so much Ash." He says planting a million little chaste kisses on my face. Taylor stands up and holds his hand out to assist me in standing up.

We head downstairs and the most mouth watering smell wafts up the stairs. As we get to the bottom of the stairs, Winter is in the kitchen cooking while Knight bobs his knee up and down playing with Lucy. Jacob sits on the couch while Sara and Joseph tackle each other to the ground in their wolf forms.

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