Chapter 18

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I wasn't against the plan but I had a weird gut feeling that something weird was going to happen. My stomach swirled with uncertainty. I followed behind Taylor keeping behind him at all times. Warriors around 10 or 20 stood around me following closely keeping their eyes narrowed and scanning the area for any threat.

When we arrived Taylor ordered four to the roof while the others hid behind large hiding places. I don't know what else to call it but it was good enough. 2 warriors walked up to us wearing black mask covering their faces.

Taylor ordered them to keep a close eye on me before he grabbed my wrist and pulled me aside. He narrows his eyes in worry before bending down to my level.

"Are you okay with this? If not, we can always pull out and if anything goes wrong I have my warriors surrounding the area?" His eyes glimmered in hope maybe that I'd suddenly back out of all this. No way was I gonna back down, if this continues it's going to drive me crazy and it'll just prove how much of a coward I am.

"I'll be fine" a small smile tugs at my lips in reassurance. Taylor's shoulders seem to relax but his eyes stay worried. I leave a chaste kiss on his lips then walk into the warehouse where the anonymous creep stands. A Cheshire grin on his smug face.

"Oh how I have longed for this moment, dear mate" he seems to shiver in delight. He slowly stalks towards me.

"My mate is Taylor and if you don't stop now I'll kill you myself." I threaten causing his steps to falter.

"No sweetie my mate is YOU." He exaggerates the you and points to me taking another step. Suddenly he pulls out a knife from his back and pushes it against my throat. In seconds warriors have his hands tugged roughly behind his back while Taylor pulls me into his chest.

The two twins were the ones behind the mask when they suddenly ripped the male out of the warriors hold and pull the male close to their chest. They both let out low warning growls while Taylor does the exact same. The male still holding the knife but a safe distance away.

"Knight and Jacob! What is the meaning of this?" Taylor yells as the twins settle down but refuse to let go of the man. The anonymous male shivering in their hold, his mask hiding his face. Suddenly the twins rip off the mask much to his annoyance and reluctance. He stood the same size as the twins maybe an inch smaller. His dark brown eyes narrowing in obvious annoyance, his mask now on the ground completely forgotten.

"Put your weapons down and I will order my warriors to retract" Taylor yells, the unknown male nods his head and drops the knife with a loud clang. Taylor nods at his warriors as they all lower their weapons.

Taylor never let's go of me his grip still deathly.

"Taylor you're suffocating me..." I wheeze out, Taylor realizes and instantly let's go. My eyes fall back onto the still anonymous person, his eyes meet mine and a small grin pulls at his lips.

"It appears that Knight and Jacob both found their mate, now who is your mate?" I ask taking a small step forwards the twins growling but stop when Taylor growls back with a deeper and more possessive one.

"Not gonna tell" he shakes his head like a child. He will definitely be a pain in the ass.

**Next Day**

Winter snuggles closer to me, a hole burns in my back as I feel a pair of 3 glaring eyes. I turn around to give all three of the immature idiots a glare of my own.

'So you might all be wondering how the hell this all went down yesterday right?'


"You will be under house arrest and under 24/7 surveillance. My pack is completely against violence or torture so you will be spared however I will not let this go easily. Every night you will be in a room allocated to you, no windows and only can be locked from the outside. Two guards will stand up your door. In the early morning you will wake up and do ten hours of work out. Jacob and Knight will keep guard of you until you can be trusted." Taylor announces, he looks down at me as I look up. He sends me a goofy smile causing me to of course melt.

"Oh I will go anywhere Ash goes" the twins growl behind him but he completely ignores the two as if they were just a breeze in the wind. "By the way little Ash my name is Winter" he pulls away of the twins and stalks towards Taylor. "Also if you are in my presence and you touch Ash I will kill you right on the spot."

After that we jumped into the cars, Winter in a BMW with the twins. The twins were quick to stick by Winter's side like glue.

'Well we won't have to worry about him with the twins like that' My wolf jokes causing me to let out a small laugh of amusement. Taylor notices my laugh and smiles at me lovingly.

And that is how it all ended up like this. Even though Winter has his two mates who appear to be giving glares that could possibly kill me if glares had that ability he refuses to leave my side. Holes were beginning to form in my back and I knew it. I could feel them burning deeper and deeper. Gosh who knew that dominate glares are this scary.

"Winter, why did you do all this?" I ask since it's been on my mind for ages.

"Because I loved you. I remember seeing you getting hurt everyday yet you still kept moving forward you had your little breakdowns and even though you tried to kill yourself you continued life." He adds the past tense in love, he doesn't love me which is a great relief but I'm kinda shocked he saw everything from my home.

"Wait so you saw everything?" He nods and looks down for some reason ashamed. Wow he's bipolar. "Why are you so clingy then?" He looks up at me and whispers close to my ear.

"Because I love the expressions on Jacob and Knight's face" he goes back to doing what he's doing, snuggling up close to me.

'Yep he's definitely sick in the head, I'm actually close to ripping off his head'

'Don't worry Ash I'll rip off his head for you' Snowy chuckles in my head. Without realizing it the weight on my shoulder disappears as Winter is dragged away from me by the twins obviously fed up with this nonsense.

'Oh he is in deep shit'

A dip in the couch area next to me catches my attention to where Taylor sits down. His eyes look at me deeply, he leans in and lightly pushes his lips against mine. Firework of tingles erupt from my lips travelling down my body. A low mewl passing my lips, his large rough hands travelling up my arm.

His touch electric like always, everything was on fire. He touched me yesterday but it feels like forever. He pushes me down on the couch and our lips continue to connect in a rhythm. His knee slides up between my legs and was now grinding up against my hard member that seemed to come to life with every little touch from Taylor.

Another low moan comes out but much louder than the other one. We pull apart short gasps and shallow breathes fill the air. I take in the much needed air.

"Are you ready?" I hesitate but remind myself that I am ready and love Taylor with all my heart.

"Yes" with that he lifts me up and we share short kisses as we walk back to our room. 

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