Chapter 2

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I fall to the ground losing all balance on the chair. Roxie pulls me to my feet while clutching at her stomach and balling her eyes out like a nut case. Roxie is my best friend, I've known since she and I were children. She's the only person that knows I'm gay other than my father. She knows about my father's abuse and everything that happens to me even when I don't tell her she always seems to know one way or another.

We're childhood friends so she knows everything about me. I trust her from the bottom of my heart, I've even snuck into her house for some comfort after my father raped me and whipped my back causing it to bleed badly.

Now I may be a wolf but I'm an omega so it takes three days for bad wounds to heal. Sometimes the scars don't even disappear and leave a mark instead.

"Did your father beat you again last night?" She closes in beside my ear and whispers in a hushed voice so no one can hear. I search in my bag for my speaking book before closing my bag. Since I don't talk I use a small black notebook to communicate with people.

'Yesterday' I write down only to continue writing something else. 'How do you know?' She scratches at her chin and looks at me.

"You have a slight limp in your left leg." She's become so much more observant since she knew about the abuse I put up with.

She gives me a concerned look checking over my body in one swift motion of her eyes.

"Are you hurt badly anywhere?" She whispers in a worried tone lacing her voice. A small smile tugs at my lips but disappears before anyone could notice. It's a good feeling to have someone worry about you even when the world is against you.

I nod my head in a 'no' motion noticing her shoulders relax at my answer. It's good to have her worry about me but I don't want sympathy from anyway and I don't want her to worry too much about. Roxie has already worried about me enough for these past 17 years.

The shrill sound of the bell snaps me out of my thoughts, causing my body to flinch unconsciously out of habit. I hate sudden loud noises. Roxie walks back to her seat but not without waving and telling me goodbye with a gentle smile on her lips. I wave back and return her a real smile. My mind wonders as I look out the window, the sky a light river blue with clouds that promise rain later in the day.

The door to the classroom opens, the teacher entering. My eyes fall over to the door where another person walks in trailing behind the teacher. The mouthwatering fragrance that comes in next with the overpowering scent brings my knees weak. Lucky I was on a chair because I would've fallen from the overpowering pressure of the Alpha scent.

A handsome man holding his head up high walks in with a prideful stride after the teacher. The male that's also my mate consists of the scent from this morning. Now that I was in a room and not so many scents plagued the air I could properly recognize the scent like freshly cut timber, like the damp forest after a rainy day; they smelled heavenly, like fresh-scented pine and a field of lavender flowers.


My wolf yips in happiness again, the same excitement and joy as the first time. His emerald green eyes like the green forest outside my house searched for the source of the scent that he must have smelt as well. The source was me of course. Now you might think that most people would be pleased sadly for me it's different. As much as it saddens me to say this, I can't have a mate. I don't deserve one with the events that have happened in my life, getting mate if like a sin to me. Having a mate would also bring me endless trouble in my life which is already troublesome enough as it is.

His hair was a curly, messy brown mob it wasn't messy or ugly, it made his look good in a messy look. He looked to be around 6'7 which was typical for an Alpha in height. Female Alpha's also tend to be that high too but female Alpha's are very rare. Unlike me, I'm only 5'6 an average height for an Omega. Being an Omega brought disgrace to packs, we were weak, pathetic and useless.

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