Chapter 23

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I've felt useless before, but never this useless. Hearing all the pained whines and his crying hurts me to a level that it feels worse than any pain that I've felt in my life.

I want to rip open that man and tear him from limb, cut him into tiny pieces then feed him to sharks. Then I want to proceed get whatever the hell is in the sharks then do it to all over again. I just wish the worst death on him. With whatever family he grew up with, I hope they all rot in hell no matter who they are.

'I'm sorry Luna for I have failed you as a friend and as a pack member.' I sullenly think as I block my ears in attempt to block out the rest of the noises from other wolves. It turns out we weren't the only ones kidnapped.

Other powerful magical beings are all being held captive in here too. Rare species like unicorns, a few warlocks, and others, they all let out distressed noises with every cry of pain Ash releases. When we arrived and the first time Ash had been dragged down the dark hall of the dungeons everyone had bowed down in respect.

They could sense his powers and they couldn't resist bowing and submitting even some of missing Alpha's from different packs had submitted. The Alpha's were rather around their mid-30's to 50's and from where we were caged, we could tell they weren't normal werewolves either.

We recognized the wolves from different packs scattered across the country, the Alpha's had gone missing a few years back and were never seen again. Seeing Alpha's in this state would've brought them great shame in themselves if they hadn't been in this situation in the first place.

"Ah" I managed to croak out in an attempt to talk again. The torturer had punched my voice box somehow and managed to injure it therefore leaving me unable to talk.

"Don't try otherwise you'll hurt yourself again," the elf in the cell next to me said in a rasp small voice. To say that he was beautiful was an understatement, he almost looked like the God of Beauty. We somewhere along the way became friends and I learnt his name was just as beautiful as his appearance. Lupine, I find it just as beautiful but I bet there's a few that don't agree.

He had beautiful silver hair that reached past his knees like he described it but just before we had arrived, they cut it all off only leaving a messy scruff of hair. It turned into a dirty blonde after being cut and it made me sad feeling his sadness. He said his hair could change the appearance of anyone if they had a strand around their wrist. He lost his powers and now he only thought of himself worthless. His emerald eyes look lifeless and what used to be pale glowing skin has turned dirty from dirt and blood.

Turns out that he's the 2nd Prince of Anemone Empire, a powerful Empire of the Elf realm. Lupine's been held captive for over a year now and no one's come to save him. It strikes fear into my heart that it's already felt like it's been a year even though we've been stuff here for a short amount of time compared to others. His mate apparently is back home and he's lost the connection he once felt with him after being kidnapped.

A tear slips from my eyes as I stare at the young man while he stares up at the ceiling, he's looks ready to give up in life. I bet he missed all his friends and family from back at home. I'm determined and I believe in Alec and Alpha to find us and break us out of this shit hole and we're taking everyone with us then returning them back to their homes.

I feel a thumb drag along my cheek and my eyes fall to Lupine as he pulls back his hand. I hadn't realized I was crying. I rubbed at my tired eyes and let a small smile tug at my lips in attempt to tell him I'm okay even though we both knew full well no one stuck in here is okay.

The cell opens again as Ash is thrown in front of my feet. I quickly scurry to get beside him and aid him somehow, blood fills my hand as I grab his head to place it gently on my lap. I shake him gently trying to get him back.

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