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Well helloooooo thereeeee!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooo happy that anyone that got this far finished my story. I'm so happy like nearly in tears happy. To say I'm shocked is an understatement because the amount of people that have read my story has blown me away. I know it's not one million but it's enough to make me tens times happier than normal.

Also seeing as this is my first story too kinda shocked me because I was 12 when I wrote this and definitely was too much of a cliché, so the story turned cliché too. Anywayyyyy (^v^) Good news (I think) is that if you at least enjoyed this story then there's also a second story too. Not sure what you'll think (no hate comments please) The names 'Practically Normal'. The story takes place in the point of views of Hade's and Angel's as well as a few different characters. It will take some time before Ash and Taylor are mentioned and sadly it's only short lived but yeah.

Again, thank you to my readers, followers and voters. Once Unlovable Me is fully edited I will edit Practically Normal since I got my first hate comment and it's motivated me (for some reason, I get motivated by those type of things) just don't suddenly keep putting hate comments randomly. I will delete them (warning) ^ ^

Anyway, thank you again, ENJOY!

Vote! Comment! And Follow!

From current self to past self: Yeah the story was deleted for whatever reason so congrats you've restarted and reuploaded it all. Anyway read the next story for the rest. 


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