Chapter 5

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The man that brought me here is named Alec, he's Taylor's Beta and best friend. After Taylor and Alec discussed for a few minutes about the recent increase of rogue attacks we went down to the kitchen. Alec instantly began to cook some food since earlier we didn't get to eat anything. The smell had me drooling like a hungry dog. A deep chuckle next to me had me wiping the drool away from the corner of my mouth.

Suddenly the feeling of tiny arms wrap around my leg causes me to look down where a small girl clung to my legs. Her crystal blue eyes looked at me in wonder and happiness. She had dirty blonde hair that reached a little past her shoulders, her flowery dress fluttering past her ankles. She looked around the age of 10 or 11. She sent me a small smile which I returned back just as nicely.

She lifts up her arms and gives me puppy eyes that made me feel vulnerable.

"Can you pick me up, please?" Her eyes were ones I couldn't refuse so I gently picked her up and plucked her onto my lap.

"Emma, this is going to be your new Luna. What do you think?" Taylor asks Emma with a smile. She looks as me as I stiffen before looking back towards Taylor. My nerves skyrocket in my stomach as hope fills my heart.

"He's nice, he's the only person that picks me up other than mummy. But he's male and can't bring an heir." She replies looked at me and squeezing my arms slightly. I look over at Taylor as he catches my eye then looks over back to Emma. Since I'm an Omega I can produce however it can only be an Alpha that can get me pregnant.

"Ash can produce; you see he's an Omega so he has the ability to bring wonderful little lives to life." He picks up Emma and places her onto his own lap with a smile. He begins to play with her causing my heart to flutter. It was a wonderful picture.

'Ha, pups... What wonderful little things they are screaming, crying, annoying weaklings. You're are going to be worse. They'll look disoriented and act retarded. Did you really think you'll get away with being happy when you still have me?'

My body flinches at the sinister voice in the back of my mind and the itch to cut my wrist. I pick up my Speaking Book and quickly write down an excuse to use the bathroom. Some people don't understand the feeling of seeing the blood drip from my wrist to the floor. It's like a drug you love the feeling you get from it but it's bad for you. Eventually you become addicted unless you have special help to stop.

'I need to go to the bathroom I'll be back soon.'

Taylor nods at me which I return. Using my memory from when Taylor somewhat showed me around this morning I find the bathroom. I look through my bag for the razor that pricks at my finger.

When I enter the bathroom I pull up my shorts to reveal the layers of cuts painting my skin. I slide down the wall to the ground holding my razor with shaking hands.

'Come on useless shit, cut yourself. Maybe this time you might just die.'

My hands bring down the razor to my thigh. The thigh is the only place I cut. I apply pressure to the sharp end of the blade and dig it into my skin. Slowly I drag the blade along my thigh watching the blood leave a trail behind it opening my pale skin.

One cut... two cuts... three cuts with every cut the more my hands are stained with my own blood. My body grew numb to the pain over time. However, cutting is the only pain I can actually feel.

My hands freeze when a knock to the door sounds throughout the bathroom. My breathes come out as short pants. I look down at my blood stained shaking hands and the fallen razor coated in the red crimson liquid.

The knocks continue only to fall on deaf ears as I continue to cut. I don't want to be alive. I just want to give up and the world to disappear as well myself. I want to stop existing.

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