GOOD MORNING (Xie Lian x Hua Cheng)

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The warm rays of morning penetrated through the cracks of the Puqi shrine. Birds chirped, fresh and ready for the day ahead, while the villagers went about their daily routines.

But the inhabitants of the Puqi shrine were still asleep. It was a tangle of limbs and sheets, impossible to figure whose limb was whose.

Clothes of red and white were strewn across the room. Silver vambraces were abandoned by the kitchen. Rouye and E'Ming lay curled in a corner tired from adoration, just like their masters.

The slight shifting of the morning breeze woke up Xie Lian. He slowly opened his eyes, meeting the face of the glorious man sleeping beside him. His hand brushed away the dark curls that had slipped over the pale face of the Ghost King. Xie Lian's face flooded with blood as he remembered the events from yesterday. His cheeks tinge to a deep shade of pink when he sees how very naked they were.

He buried his face into Hua Cheng's neck and breathed in his sweet scent of flowers and fresh earth.

He didn't dare to get up from bed, for he was mesmerized by the most beautiful man before him. He snuggled into Hua Cheng's arms and continued to stare at his devilish face. His eyes lashes curled prettily against his cheeks, and a painful scar spread across his left eye, reminding him how his husband survived Mt.Tonglu. 

His angular cheekbones and his perfect jaw sent Xie Lian's heart into a nervous flutter. His thick eyebrows, his slightly pointed ears and the single braid that held Xie Lian's red coral pearl were enough to explode the Martial God's, innocent heart.

"San Lang, wake up,' Xie Lian whispered, poking Hua Cheng's cheek.

Hua Cheng wouldn't budge. He simply pulled Xie Lian into his chest and simply didn't wake up. Xie Lian's protests were muffled by Hua Cheng as he continued to sleep.  

'San Lang wake up!' he whisper-shouted. 'People may visit the temple!'

Hua Cheng stirred and slowly opened his eye. He smiled down at his flustered God and was drunk in the sight before him.

Hua Cheng closed his eyes. 'Only if gege kisses me.'

Xie Lian was dumbstruck. He had indeed spoiled Hua Cheng rotten by complying with his whims and fancies. He was not going to give in anymore. 'Well you can sleep, I'm going to visit Feng Xin and Mu Quing.'

He pushed away his husband and got up from the straw bed. He tried to at least. A pair of strong arms wrapped around Xie Lian's waist and pulled him back down. 'San Lang...' Xie Lian's words were cut short by the pair of puppy eyes that looked at him pleadingly. San Lang has the nerve to turn into a child! 'Please.'

 Xie Lian sighed. 'I'm not kissing a child, San Lang.' There really was no end to Hua Cheng's antics.

 Within the moment, Hua Cheng transformed into his original form and gave his God a yearning look. Like a little child before a sweet shop. 'Gege doesn't like me anymore...he wouldn't even look at me...this lowly servant is truly ugly' Hua Cheng turned around, burying his face into the pillow.

That was it. He had had enough of Hua Cheng's stunt. He pulled Hua Cheng, slammed in against the bed and kissed him straight on his lips. Hua Cheng's eyes widened. Loving hands glided, remapping their bodies as if they forgot it all. Xie Lian's hair came loose like a cascade of waterfalls. Hair as rich as earth and skin beaming with life tangled against hair as dark as the night and skin paler than snow.

They only stopped for catching their breath. Xie Lian glared down at his King. Hua Cheng chuckled. Xie Lian's flushed cheeks, messy hair and bright drops of sweat that rolled down his face and his indignant look were a sight to see.

Hua Cheng smiled, his infectious grin spreading to his God, not sparing his indignant face. Xie Lian leant over his husband for a loving peck. 

'Good morning gege.'



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