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A Yuan.

A gentle voice called. The child stirred wearily. Wei Wuxian lifted the child into his arms. He was burning with fever, sweating profusely, his eyes barely open. Tears pricked Wei Wuxian's eyes. He clamped the cry that rose in his throat and carried the child outside.

Xian gege...where are we going?

We're gonna play hide and seek ok?

Wei Wuxian's voice trembled, but he smiled for the young child. The boy snuggled into his arms, content to have his brother near him.

Can Granny play too?

The smile on Wei Wuxian's face didn't fade. No matter how fake it was. He couldn't tell him that his Granny was dead. And so were all his family. And soon he would be too. He brushed the boy's hair tenderly, careful not to dirty him with blood. He placed one of his paper puppets to protect the child.

He placed him within a hollow tree, hoping someone would save him.

I'll go tell Granny to start counting okay?

The child hummed softly, before drifting into a deep slumber.

Wei Wuxian shuddered. Stray tears slipped down his cheeks. It was because of him that everyone was dead now. He wasn't able to protect them. Not able to protect his dear Yuan.

Xian gege is sorry

With that the Yiling Patriach stood up, to fight his enemies one last time before his last breath. ChenQing rang across the plains, calling for corpses to fight for Wei Wuxian. The fighting raged far from the hollow tree making the ground tremble. 

But as dawn broke, the little puppet watching over the child stumbled. It twitched once before it fell. Silence rang around the world. ChenQing was silenced forever.


Lan Zhan's pov

Smoke rose from the Burial Mounds. I tried moving faster, but I couldn't. Wei Ying, stay alive.

Bichen grew heavier on my waist. Just a few more steps.

My back hurt, blood seeped out. But not a much as my heart, Wei Ying.

i trudged through the debris, searching for his black robes. Wei Ying had to be alive. He is strong. He should be alive.

I tell myself again and again. If I could reach the Burial Mounds quick I could save him. Protect him. But a treacherous voice whispered. He is gone.

I used the last of my energy to fly there. But when I saw what they had done, I knew I lost everything.

There was nothing left. All those kind faces who invited me in when I had visited were all gone. Only their charred bodies remained. A guttural sound rose from my throat. What is this?

I searched everywhere, but you were gone. They even burned your house, your clothes, the people you loved and gave so much to protect. Why? Why doesn't anyone see your kindness? Why? 

I slumped on the ground, not caring. The pristine white robes of Gusu turned red and black. I couldn't bear to sit there among the soot of so many innocent lives.

Wei Ying.

As if the wind heard my pleas, it uncovered a red ribbon. I crawled toward it in fear I'll lose that last part of you. When I tried lifting it, it disintegrated. 

Everything that held me together broke with your ribbon. There was nothing left of you. Not even your ribbon for me to carry.

My throat hurt. Was I screaming? But you can't hear me Wei Ying.

You won't ever hear me again, ever laugh at me again, tease me again, and I won't be able to protect you. 

Tears slip down my face. You were gone.  

No sound came from mouth, my throat too raw to even speak. I see my Wei Ying everywhere. Helping the elders draw water. Trying to farm with Wen Qing. Running around with little Wen Yuan, screaming in delight. Each memory is like a sword to my heart. I won't ever see you smile again my Wei Ying.

I leaned my head against a rock, still warm with innocent blood. I shuddered, curling in on myself. Wei, what should i do now? There was nothing left that gave meaning to my life. I stayed only for brother. I couldn't bear to inflict pain on him. I would live, bearing all the pain that my Wei felt. 

I heard a whimper. I froze, then I scrambled to find the source. It was very faint, but it was real.

There at the very end I found him. They had hidden him inside a hollow tree. I gasped. I lifted A-yuan's frail body. He was burning with fever. I clutched him to my chest. I sobbed. I will protect you. My Wei. I found the child you loved so much. I'll protect him till my last breath.

I grabbed Bichen. Mustering everything in me, I flew to Gusu with the child in my arms.

ANIME ONE-SHOTS (mostly HUALIAN)Where stories live. Discover now