sick (Xie Lian x Hua Cheng)

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Xie Lian caught a cold while on a mission with Hua Cheng. He didn't bother taking any medicine, leaving the cold to go away on its own. It was mild and Xie Lian hid it well. Hua Cheng didn't notice it.  Both of them returned to Paradise and retired in their room, too exhausted to perform their nightly rituals.


Xie Lian woke with a heavy head. He turned around, but rolled over in the overly empty bed.

Ah San Lang must've gone to the Gambler's Den, he thought caressing the silk sheets beneath him.

He sighed and got up from bed wondering how long he had been sleeping. An instant wave of dizziness hit him. Ruoye shot from his arm and supported him against the bed frame. Xie Lian sighed again. He was immortal but he still needed some food to energize his body. He slipped to the kitchen, not bothering with his outer robes. San Lang had destroyed all his sense of propriety over the years. 

A bowl of rice was waiting for him in the kitchen, still steaming from whatever enchantment Hua Cheng had cast.

Xie Lian quickly ate the rice and chicken soup Hua Cheng had made for him. Although he wasn't the best when it came to cookery skills, his beloved was the perfect chef ever. Xie Lian could barely remember the days he'd gone hungry because he had no money. All his pain seemed a lifetime ago ever since he reunited with his San Lang. 

After breakfast he decided to get his official work done. He trudged to their study, his hair and clothes still a mess and not proper at all! He had to get some documents read for the heavens and the pile ahead already had given him a headache. But I just ate, he thought tired as he sat down for work. 

Xie lian went through the papers haphazardly. It was very unlike him, but he just needed to get in bed. His nose had become stuffy and the tiredness didn't seem to wear off. His eyes drooped and his whole body hurt. He hated sniffing constantly and not long after his throat had start itching too. Xie lian kept at his work still. When he was done with the first set, a second set arrived. By then the symptoms had gotten worse than before. A cough was constantly troubling Xie lian, making him hack till his throat was dry.

He left the table and and decided just to go to bed. It was just a common cold. It would pass if he slept some more. He pulled the sheets over his head and buried into their bed clutching his husband's pillows to his chest. When he woke up an hour later his condition had only worsened. His nose was completely blocked, his throat itching and his eyes hurt. He was burning up! 

Xie lian sighed. How troublesome. Maybe some porridge would do him good. He quickly made a somewhat palatable bowl of what looked like burnt porridge and gulped it down. It settled in his stomach with no trouble. Xie lian was immune to nearly everything, even his own cooking. In the past 800 years he had never had enough to buy medicine, so he would sleep it off with a filling meal. 

His sickness should have gone by now that his stomach was filled, but it only seemed to get worse. Xie lian frowned as the fever burned all over his body. Frowning, he climbed back into bed, hoping it would settle soon.


Hua Cheng hurried down the streets of Ghost City. He missed his gege dearly. Some useless trash of a ghost had challenged his power in the fortnight he had left for his mission with Xie Lian.

That trash had asked for a beating when it wreaked havoc in Gambler's Den. Hua Cheng had to rush early in the morning without even getting to greet his husband! Ghosts had trembled in the dark aura that had surrounded him. He had seethed upon his arrival, threw the pests out and hurried back to the Manor.

He didn't like leaving his husband one bit. He bought some chicken and ginseng, knowing that his gege will enjoy some soup. 

Gege! I'm back! he cried as he entered Paradise Manor. But no one answered him. With a frown he searched for his gege. The kitchen was empty but the breakfast was gone. The corridors, gardens and the studies were all empty. He sent a butterfly to the armory, but no one were there either. 

 Hua cheng wondered if his Highness had gone to the heavens on some errand. He wanted to thrash those pieces of trash for troubling his gege immediately after his mission, when Rouye sprang onto his arms. Hua cheng gasped at the sudden surprise, but his happy mood disappeared in an instant. Rouye tugged him toward their bedroom and Hua Cheng ran. Worry filled his heart as he pushed a open the door. 


Xie Lian was breathing hard. Hua Cheng rushed to his bedside and touched his forehead. He was burning with fever. He rushed to the washroom and brought a cold bucket. He slowly wiped his gege's face and placed the wet cloth on Xie Lian's forehead. 

San Lang.

Xie Lian's voice was hoarse. He slowly opened his eyes to find his worried husband. He glanced at E'Ming who looked like it was going to cry. 

'Ah San Lang. I'm alright. Just a bit of cold,' Xie Lian said with a smile. Hua Cheng wasn't having it. He pulled the blankets around Xie Lian, making him feel warm. He brushed Xie Lian's hair gently.

'His Highness never tells this lowly one when he's sick.' 

San Lang's face creased with worry. Xie Lian sighed. 'I'm alright San La-' 

But another bout of coughs took over. Xie Lian could barely see through his bleary eyes, but his husband's red clothes had flashed out the room. Xie Lian leaned back, when the coughs subsided, sniffing to keep snot dripping into the sheets. 

He had his mouth slightly for he couldn't breathe through his nose. His heavy eyes told him to sleep some more. He thought of San Lang before slipping into oblivion.


Xie Lian woke up again to Hua Cheng's kiss. He yawned and stretched feeling a tad bit better he told himself.

'Gege, drink this,' Hua Cheng said, bringing a spoonful of soup. Xie Lian didn't have the appetite to eat anything so he politely shook his head, but Hua Cheng wouldn't back down.

'Gege I insist you drink this chicken soup. I added some herbs to help you get better.'

He really didn't want to it, but he didn't want to upset San Lang either, so Xie Lian decided to sweet talk San Lang into giving in.

'San Lang, I'll be alright in sometime. This gege is very strong. I'll drink the soup later?'

'Gege let me take care of you, please,' Hua Cheng said with sadness. 'I couldn't take care of you when you were sick before. Let me do it now.'

The Ghost King looked like he was going to join his scimitar and sob. Those eyes always made him give up. Xie Lian opened his mouth.

Hua Cheng smiled widely and fed him the soup and his husband drank it obediently. When he was done, San Lang washed his face gently before settling into bed alongside his husband. 

He pulled Xie Lian's head into his lap and gently patted him. Xie Lian froze, memories from his childhood flooding his mind. He had forgotten his mother's soft hands soothing him whenever he was sick. His chest hurt at the thought. When he was in exile, he didn't have the luxury to rest when he was sick. He had to busk for money tirelessly, yet still his father had succumbed to the illness. After he was banished from the heavens the second time, he never had enough to buy medicine whenever he had gotten sick or hurt. A stray tear slipped from his eyes. 

Soft lips caressed his temple. 'I'm here now gege,' San Lang whispered.

Xie Lian felt peace. His San Lang knew his everything. He would be there for him when no one was. Xie Lian smiled. He buried into his husband's arms, and welcomed sleep.

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