Waking Up on the Right Side of the Wrong Bed

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Time: 1:28 P.M. Date: February 14th, 2013. Location: Peter's room.

"Camo. Wake up. We've got a big day ahead of us." Peter whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes but was disappointed when I saw him standing by the bed instead of lying right next to me. I rubbed my eyes groggily and yawned. Peter looked at me then smiled to himself.

"What are we doing today?" I asked sleepily.

"Well, we have to let all of the creatures know we're here, minus Hook and the pirates of course. Then we need to do some clean up from Hook's mess. We need to see the Indians too and once we get a new map of the area we're going to start strategizing plans to mess with Hook!" He finished.

"I need some more clothes if I'm going to keep staying over here." I said still trying to wake up. Peter raised his eyebrows with as a smirk appeared. "I mean, in Neverland...not your bed. I mean room." I stuttered. He laughed.

"I had Tink go back and get some stuff for you. It's in your room." He said.

"What time did you wake up anyway?" I asked, pushing myself to an upright position.

"About an hour ago." He said looking at the clock.

"If I slept in your bed, then where did you sleep?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"Where do you think?" He smirked then left the room. Soon after he left I went out into the living room where Binky and Slightly were hanging out. Nibs was in the kitchen with Curly fixing eggs and bacon.

"Funny, Camo. I thought your room was that way?" Binky grinned mischievously and pointed down the hall in the direction of my room.

"Hmm. Must have lost my way!" I replied back with a smile.

"Did Camo and Peter have an adult sleepover?" Curly joked coming in and sitting on the couch with a plate full of scrambled eggs and bacon.

"You guys are so immature. I just had to talk to Peter." I stated but the boys knew when I was lying usually.

"Really because when I looked in he was just staring at you sleeping. His arms were very precariously placed." Binky winked. I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry you had to miss out on all the action but nothing actually happened." I said sarcastically.

"What action?" Peter inquired walking in from a tunnel. I could feel my cheeks heat up.

"You and Camo last night." Marmaduke laughed. I didn't even know he was standing up against the wall until he spoke up. Peter laughed. I just turned on my heel and power walked to my room. I was fuming that Peter didn't correct them. I slammed the door behind me and put a board across the door so it would be locked. I spun around and flopped on my bed.

"Boys will be boys." Tink said sitting on the edge of my bedside table.

"I know." I mumbled.

"I brought you some clothes." She said motioning towards my closet. I thanked her then walked over to see what she had grabbed. She picked a lot of my favorite clothes so I was pretty happy. I decided to change into a pair of short shorts and a hot pink cami. I put a black bikini on underneath. I fixed my hair so it hung down in waves then checked what little makeup I had on in my compact that Tink had also brought. I put on some flip flops and then turned to Tinkerbelle.

"How do I look?" I asked. She smiled.

"You look great." She replied. After a few minutes of Tink telling me I shouldn't be mad at the boys for joking around about Peter and me I decided to go out and face the boys. I went to Tootles' room first though because I was pretty sure they hadn't woken him up yet.

When I got to the door of his room I saw that I was right. He was still sound asleep, sprawled out on his bed. He was wearing flannel pajama pants and a plain white t-shirt. I scurried over to his bed and got really close to his ear.

"Time to wake up Tootles." I whispered. He mumbled something that I couldn't understand. I did what I had done back when I was ten and kissed him on his cheek. "Good morning sunshine!" I said. He blinked a few times then let out a groan.

"It's too earlyyyyy!" He said into his pillow.

"We're going on adventures today so get your butt up!" I beamed. Tootles always put me in a better mood. He looked at me then smiled.

"Okay, just let me get changed. I'll see you in the meeting room." He said getting up off of his bed and ushering me out, but not before hugging me. "I missed you Camo." I hugged him tight then said,

"I missed you too."

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