A Little Dash of Water

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Date: February 15, 2013. Time: Sometime in the morning. Location: Cave

I woke up to the sound of a rooster. No...wait...just Peter crowing. I opened my eyes groggily and threw my pillow at the boy flying around in the air. He pretended that I shot him and swooped down at a steep angle and landed right on top of me.

"Get off!" I groaned trying to shove him off.

"I can't! I've been shot!" He draped a hand dramatically over his face.

"Shuuutttt uppppp." Curly mumbled from across the cave. Peter pretended to be dead and wouldn't move off of me. I gave him one final push and he rolled on over to Tootles.

"No...we can't do this...Camo no. Beautiful but Peter...no like. I'm anjfmsjnsdj..." Tootles mumbled in his sleep. This woke me up. Peter stopped faking dead and immediately tried to wake up Tootles. Tootles woke up and stretched out then yawned. Peter flopped back down on the floor. I rolled my eyes then got up to wake the boys up. Curly was pretty much awake so I didn't have to worry with him. All I had to do was mention food to wake Binky and Marmaduke up.

"Wakey wakey lemon shakey!" I said as I ruffled Nibs' hair. He muttered something in his sleep then opened his eyes, very dazed.

"Good morning." He said but it came out raspy and very sexy.

"You sound fantastic this morning." I teased. He closed his eyes and gave a small chuckle.

"I everyone else up?" He asked.

"Pretty much." I answered looking around. All of the boys except a still sleeping Slightly were out cooking breakfast. Nibs sat up and took in his surroundings. He saw Slightly and smiled mischievously.

"Let's have some fun with this one." Nibs said. I gave my best evil smile and nodded. "Let's see what we can get out of him."

Nibs and I discussed the game plan then proceeded to take action. He went off to go fulfill his part of the plan and I got set to do mine. I crawled over to Slightly's sleeping bag and unzipped it. He mumbled in his sleep. I then very carefully removed the top of the sleeping bag from him so he had no blanket at all covering him. Then I got very close to his ear and whispered quietly.

"Hey Slightly, just how attractive is Nibs?" I asked.

"He's okay." He mumbled, just barely audible. I had to suppress my giggles.

"What about me, Camo?" I asked.

"Perrrrfect. Huhjs ten." He responded.

"How many girls have you slept with?" I asked.

"I don't know...ahsjf like...twenty-five or something." He mumbled. I finally saw Nibs come back in with a jug full of water.

"You're about to drown." I whispered before standing up and letting Nibs throw the water over Slightly. Slightly sat straight up and yelled. Nibs and I were cracking up, that is until he started chasing us. Nibs jumped over the fire the boys had going and escaped but I was not about to do that. I ran through the trees towards the water. I could hear multiple people following me and then Peter appeared beside me flying.

"Why don't you just fly Camo?" He asked laughing. I didn't want to admit that I couldn't. So instead I took a sharp turn towards the rock I had jumped off before and whipped my shirt off and then my shorts. I could head the footsteps getting closer so I plunged into the water. It was freezing! The sun hadn't had a chance to heat it up yet. When I resurfaced I looked up to the rock but the boys who had followed me (Slightly, Binky and Curly and also Peter who had stopped flying to get on the rock) were staring at something off in the distance.

"SHIT!" Slightly exclaimed, "Camo! You need to get back up here!" I turned to see what they were looking at. It was a ship. Not just any ship, but Hook's ship.

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