A Whole Different Kind of Surprise

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Still Libby's P.O.V.

I was in the middle of doing some things that are probably not considered ladylike when I Camo yelled out to all of us that Tootles and Curly were coming back. Nibs and I hurriedly fixed ourselves then ran out to join the others who were all hiding. It was pitch back in the cave and Binky was holding a switch that would turn on all of the lights.

"Great the fucking electricity is out." Tootles said.

"SURPRISE!" We all screamed and Binky flipped on the lights. Tootles jumped back in shock and fell on his butt. He looked terrified but then started laughing.

"I can't believe you got me." He laughed. Curly was cracking up.

"You never expected anything!" Curly laughed.

"GAME TIME!" Binky yelled.

"We got a bunch of games!" Marmaduke chimed in.

"Tootles can pick!" Camo said.

We spent about an hour playing games before Mary and Binky excused themselves. The others except for Camo exchanged meaningful looks with each other. I rolled my eyes. Whatever this was, it was definitely going to be stupid.

"Present time!" Slightly said.

"But Mary and Binky aren't here!" Camo exclaimed.

"They'll be back." Anna giggled.

Tootles opened presents from all of us. Anna got him climbing gear and promised that she would finally teach him how to climb. Peter gave him a map that had some underground tunnels that were apparently top secret. Curly gave Tootles fishing tackle and a new rod. Camo made him a photo album and also a coupon book. Slightly gave him a box of condoms and said he'd need them. Camo punched Slightly in the face. Nibs and I had given Marmaduke money to bring back our gift which was a brand new iPod loaded with a bunch of earth songs that he likes.

"And then all of us except for Camo and Libby got you something else." Marmaduke said and pointed to the door. Binky rushed in and went to cover Tootles eyes. Mary walked in with a girl about our age by her. Wait a second...

All at once Binky uncovered Tootles eyes and Camo stood up appalled. Slightly was smiling like he was a genius. The girl who stood next to Mary was in fact a prostitute. And not just any prostitute.

"Marie?" I asked quietly. The room became dead silent.

"Libby?" She asked, dropping the sexy act and letting herself show (which was a big no-no in the profession).

"Umm..." Slightly added in. "Surprise?"

Marie seemed to turn back to her surroundings and asked who the birthday boy was.

"That's okay. I don't need anything. These guys are jokesters." Tootles tried to play it off.

"I was told to be here." She said plainly.

"It's all right. I'll pay you more if you leave Tootles. My innocent little boy is going to stay that way." Camo said fast then ran to go grab some gold pieces.

"I'll be outside." Marie said. I quickly followed after her. I could vaguely hear Nibs calling after me.

"Give me some time." I yelled back fiercely then turned towards Marie who was now outside of the hideout.

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