Shit Really Does Happen

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 Camo’s P.O.V.


DID I MENTION SHIT?!  This is not supposed to be happening! James seemed to think he knew what he was doing. He came over to me and dipped me then planted a long romantic kiss on me. I tried to shove him off but Peter got there first. Slightly and Peter held him back.

            “Camille, I know what happened between us was years ago but I still love you. That night might not have meant anything to you but it meant so much to me.” He gasped after Peter socked him in the stomach.

            If there were ever a time that I wish the floor would swallow me whole it was now. There were multiple sounds of shock from around the room. I could feel the heat rise up through me and I felt like I was going to be sick. Marmaduke took Peter’s place holding James.

            “The fuck did you just say?” Peter asked James.

            “Why, didn’t Camille tell you?” He asked. Binky punched him in the gut.

            “Camo…what is he talking about?” Peter turned to me and asked. It was written all over my face. I opened my mouth to try to make up an excuse or a reason. To try to explain but nothing came out.

            “Did you sleep with…Hook?” Peter’s expression could break me. He looked so hurt, betrayed, lost, and full of disbelief. His mouth dropped in shock.

            “I-I slept with him about three years ago.” I admitted so quietly but I might as well have screamed it. I couldn’t even look at Peter. I could hear James being released.

            “Camille, come back with me now. We could be so good together.” James said, walking towards me.

            “Stay away from me.” I yelled as I tried to back away but tripped.

            “You can’t mean that. Admit that you still love me.” He said trying to help me back up. I resisted his help and got up by myself.

            “I do not love you.” I said with so much venom that he stepped away from me. “I will never love you!”

            “I guess my job here is finished then.” He whispered so only I could hear. He turned and left but not before saying, “By the way, lovely hideout. It took me years to find this.”

            I felt all eyes on me when James walked out.

            “Oh my God.” Kelly breathed out.

            “Peter I-” I started but he turned away from me.

            “Save it. I can’t even look at you right now.” He said quietly. The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I had to get out. I had to leave. Before anyone could say another word I ran out of the cave. Not to James. Not to earth. Not to anywhere. I just ran. I could hear Libby, Anna and Nibs calling out from the cave but I didn’t stop. I just kept going to get away. How could I be so stupid?

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