Normality Doesn't Last Very Long

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AUTHORS NOTE: I know this chapter is short and I apologize but I'm dropping a bombshell in this one. Also, I'm working on the next. Please enjoy and leave comments and vote!

            Camo’s P.O.V.  Time: Much much later. Location: Peter’s room.

            I feel like I have been in Neverland for years and actually maybe I have. Things between me and Peter didn’t just get better; they’re the best they’ve been. Something changed the day I returned from James. I don’t know what it was but it just switched that night. I mean, a few other things happened too that may have made it a bit easier to communicate afterwards…but Peter and I talked about our rough patch. Turns out…I was the one being distant. And although I did NOT and will NEVER tell him about James, it made sense that I was being distant. After all, I was hiding something. Thank God Peter never guessed it. It seriously would crush him. Although the time I had with James was sincere and real, it won’t ever be like what I have with Peter.

            Peter and I have known each other since I can remember. He’s been my rock and he’s been there for me. He makes me feel safe and I just don’t feel whole without him. I know it sounds cliché but this is Peter Fucking Pan we’re talking about.

            “Hi there.” Peter said in his raspy morning voice, which as I have mentioned before, is the sexiest thing ever.

            “I told you not to talk to me in the morning or I’d jump you.” I sighed. He smiled, showing his teeth off. God, I swear even though he is sexy, he has that boyish playfulness to him and it just fucking works.

            “Why do you think I talk to you every morning?” He chuckled. I groaned.

            “Fineeeee.” I fake whined. I rolled over and kissed him. I could feel him smile through it but we were shortly interrupted by a loud knocking on the door. Peter pouted like a little boy.

            “Go away!” He shouted.

            “I need to talk to Camo.” Libby’s voice said quietly from the other side. “Now…if possible.”

            “I better talk to her.” I said getting up and wrapping one of the sheets around me. Peter threw on some clothes and walked out. He noticed Libby holding her head down. She slipped past him and closed the door behind her so it was just her and I.

            “I’m late.” She whispered, barely audible.

            “Wait, what?” I asked, not completely sure if I heard her correctly.

            “I’m three weeks late.” She said shakily and looked up at me. She had been crying.

            “Does Nibs know?” I asked.

            “I think he suspects something because I just can’t talk much right now. I just don’t know what to do.” She admitted.

            “Come here.” I held out my arms and she crumpled into me and just cried. I don’t know how long we stood there but it was definitely at least fifteen minutes until we sat on the bed and tried to talk again.

            “What will you do if you, you know are?” I asked.

            “I don’t know. I always thought I would be married for at least fifty years before I had kids. Nibs and I have only been going out for three.” She sniffed.

            “Oh my God, it’s been three years?” I asked.

            “We’ve been here for a while Cam.” She said.

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