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I then quickly, another thing I am thankful for, I am now way faster. I cleaned up the house as it was a mess, Paul's laundry scattered around, empty pizza boxes, the place was a disaster. In about an hour I was done cleaning and was hungry, my appetite was back by a lot and I groaned when I opened the refrigerator and saw the bare contents, what was left was green and I quickly tossed it all before ordering some food. I would worry about groceries tomorrow. I grabbed a glass of soda as I sat at the breakfast bar, I couldn't decide what I wanted so I ordered some pizzas and some Chinese. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I barely heard the front door open when it registered I didn't move, only Paul and I had keys so I figured it was him, his smell hitting me seconds later confirmed it.


"Kitchen." I said quietly, Paul heard me and walked in the kitchen wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You ok?"

"I'm sorry." Paul turned me towards him gently pulling my face up.

"You have nothing to be sorry about Brianna."

"Yes I do, I couldn't keep our child safe, I fought with you when I should have just run into your arms like I wanted, if I had I would have been safe, I wouldn't have become a freak and."

"Brianna Nikole Uley, listen to me right now, you are not nor have you ever been a freak. You are a smart, beautiful, strong woman who I love more than anything and I am so proud of you, everything you do, everything you have gone through, I admire you. You have gone through what would have broken other people and you came out on top. You are amazing, brave, funny, goofy and to be honest, I never knew life or love until I found you. If anyone should apologize it should be me for hurting you and pushing you away when we needed each other most."

"That's where you're wrong."


"It did break me, Paul, I, he broke me." I lowered my head letting the tears fall, I felt Paul gently grab my chin pulling my face back up.

"Don't be ashamed of anything, you shouldn't be ashamed baby."

"He broke me, I'm tainted, I."

"Shh." He whispered pressing his fingers against my lips. "You're not tainted baby. Come on." He lifted me up before walking to our bedroom; he walked into our bathroom setting me on the counter as he turned around and turned on the water. I watched him in silence as I felt tears still falling down my face. He grabbed some relaxation bubble bath and poured some in before turning back around to me. He kissed me softly wiping the tears off my face as he grabbed the bottom of my t-shirt. I let him undress me before watching as he did the same to himself. He then grabbed me sliding us both into the hot water, he started rubbing my back and I heard him collecting his thoughts. He was right we hadn't sat down and talked much lately, I had been taken, and then ran off.

"Talk to me Bri, tell me what's on your mind."

"I, I can't."

"You need to, don't keep it lock inside Bri it's eating away at you the more you keep it inside."

"I." I sighed, I wanted to tell him I did, and then I thought of something, I had Rennesme power. I knew I wouldn't be able to tell Paul so I showed him everything; I focused on everything I had thought about, went through, what I was even thinking now. When he opened his eyes I saw the love, the anger, the hurt I saw every emotion he was thinking about, and having. He was really pissed off at the kids and Jared and Quil.

"Brianna I am so sorry, I am sorry everyone has made you feel like that, I wish I could make your pain stop, that I could take it away make everything all better. I think the idiotic kids are just stupid, I, Jared I can't believe my best friend, baby I am sorry."

"It's ok, I should have thought better than to."

"No Bri, you did nothing wrong. What will it take for me to make you see that?" I shrugged as I leaned back against him, he was absent-mindedly rubbing small circles on my stomach; I couldn't help but think of being pregnant, what would it have been like, would we have been good parents. I sighed knowing I wouldn't know now and it saddened me.

"What is on your mind?" I softly grabbed Paul's hand stopping his movements and holding it to my stomach.

"Just things that weren't."

"The baby."

"How did."

"I know how you feel." He said kissing my temple as he slightly pressed in on my stomach. "One day you are going to be the greatest mother, and I can't wait to see you holding our child, let alone how gorgeous you will be pregnant."

"Thank you, and just so you know, you would have been an amazing father."

"Thank you but probably not."

"The issues with your family isn't you, that doesn't mean you would make the same mistakes, I know you wouldn't."

"It isn't that I just, I don't think I would be good."

"Trust me, you would and will be." I said touching his face. We didn't talk much after that and just enjoyed one another's company. We got out and I let him dry me off before he slipped one of his shirts over my head. I let him carry me to our bed and he laid me in it before turning off the light and crawling in next to me. I immediately curled into him lying my head on his chest.

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