Training Day

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I awoke the next morning rolling over and looking out the window. Alice had a pretty nice view from her condo. It was great there was a bed here which I wasn't expecting because well she never needed to sleep. This bed was amazing and I was so going to have to get one like it for my place. I grabbed my phone checking my emails and all the internet morning stuff I normally did, Facebook, etc. I laughed seeing a message from Alice.


Ok lady I took your designs and we are about half done building your house. Since it is on the border and straddles Billy let us do it, we work fast ya know, but we checked with him to make sure doing so wouldn't violate the treaty. Of course, he gave us the ok when I said Jake could supervise. Don't worry he has been sworn to secrecy. I have designers coming and painters to do all the interior and thank you for sending me pics and stuff for everything you want. You will not be paying for this it is a present from all of us. You are such a kind loving strong woman and we adore you. You are supposed to naturally hate us because you're a wolf but you don't let that phase you for even a second. Instead of treating us differently like everyone else you befriended us and treated us like any normal person you would meet daily. That means more than you know. I know you are stubborn and will want to pay so well call it even and you Esme, Rose, and myself can go to lunch one day and you can pay. It will all be done in three months' time, good luck on everything and I will come to visit you if you don't mind and Emmett said he is joining us to see your fights. Everyone says hi. Paul and Sam came by last night and I gave the dog a piece of my mind. He totally feels like shit and says sorry he misses you and loves you. Talk to you soon


I laughed, I seriously loved this tiny person; she was so nice. I felt slightly bad Paul felt so horrible but it served him right. I got up when I heard a knock on Alice's door. I quickly made my way looking through the peephole shocked to see Case standing on the other side. I opened the door glaring at him.

"What Walker."

"Hey kid Alice gave me the address, said you're here til the fight"

"Yup not going back at, lucky if I do at all. Could just stay here go to UDub."

"And be miserable. Anyway come on, I brought breakfast and coffee go get dressed we start today." I nodded going and throwing on some workout clothes. I then quickly ate my breakfast before throwing on my shoes. Case met me in the drive and we did some stretching.

"So there is a gym 5 miles from here, were going to jog to it and train there. For cardio, you get to run there and back build the endurance back up."

"K." I said as we took off, Case knew this was my least favorite part, I hated running. After 2 hours we made it, I was out of breathe and disappointed I should have done that faster.

"Hey your good, you just been out the game for a while, you'll be fine it was a warm-up."


I collapsed on Alice's bed in exhaustion. I had worked my ass off training for the last 8 hours, of course, I stopped to have lunch but still. I grabbed a pair of pajamas and headed into the bathroom; I was definitely using this gorgeous tub tonight. I filled the tub up with hot water and some relaxation bubble bath I found. I then stepped out of my sweaty clothes, I felt disgusting; I then sunk into the warm tub sighing in content.

"Bri" I groaned as Case's voice came from outside the door, running my quietness.


"I'm heading to get some dinner wanted to let you know."

"Thanks, can have some kind of salad with chicken."

"Got it." I heard his footsteps retreat and I relaxed into the tub. The warm water helping ease my aching muscles. I found my thoughts drifting to LaPush, what was everyone doing? How was the hunt for Victoria doing? How was Paul? There were so many questions running through my mind that I was getting a headache. I climbed out of the tub quickly drying off and putting lotion on as well as my pajamas. I then walked into the bedroom and grabbed my purse, I pulled out a cigar and a small bag. Yeah, I smoked so what, it wasn't going to kill me could be worse and it's my life. I knew Case got aggravated I smoked weed but I was 17 and he wasn't going to stop me he never could. Besides he did it himself,  I just respected him enough to wait until he left, just like at Emily's, I would either wait for them to not be home, go somewhere in the woods or wait till they were asleep. I saw Case pull up as I was sitting on the window seat and I tossed my blunt out the window before grabbing some body spray and spraying it. I went downstairs meeting Case in the kitchen as he sat some bags down.

"I know you're going to hate this."

"Not really, I am in training and get to eat even healthier than normal, especially lately; Emily is such a good cook.

"Yeah but you're doing pretty good."

"Wolf metabolism dude, I eat enough for an army and gain no weight, every girl's dream."

"Sounds like it."

"Yup, bet I could eat all this and still make weight." Case smirked as he shook his head. He said grace and we both quickly dug into our food. I had 2 salads, one with Chicken and shrimp and another with steak. It sounds like a lot but I always ate a good amount for a girl, becoming a big dog just made it worse. After dinner, I cleaned up and found myself yawning.

"Go to bed kid, wake up is 5." I nodded before walking away. I was out almost exactly after my head hit the pillow, my dreams full of Paul and La Push.

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