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Pregnant... pregnant. The word kept repeating itself as I stared at my stomach. I was sitting in bed at The Cullen's staring at my stomach as I heard everyone around me. I was pregnant or had been. The pain I had was my body having a miscarriage, the situation with the pack, my fight with Paul, apparently too much stress. Jake and Seth had found Leah and me in the woods, her screaming mixing with my blood they found us fast. Not fast enough, I thought, Paul and I were parents and neither of us even knew.

"WOULD YOU ALL SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEAVE." I screamed out causing everyone to look at me. It had been a week, apparently, I was out for over a day, since all I did was stare at the wall and cry. I barely ate. All I wanted was Paul, who was on the other side of an unwanted war. I glared at the door as it opened and a weak Bella walked in with Rose; she had taken Bella under her wing protecting her and now sort of did the same to me.

"Bri I am so sorry."

"Bella it's not your fault."

"It is too if it wasn't for me you two wouldn't have fought the pack wouldn't be divided and you wouldn't have lost a baby."

"Calm down before you lose yours too Bella, at least one of us is having a baby. I may not agree with your choice but I will be damned if someone attacks an innocent child half bloodsucker or not."

"Thank you." I nodded as I looked at Leah who walked in with an uncertain look on her face. She hated being here, hated coming in but did because of me.

"Hey, Lee what's wrong?"

"I, um. Jake is meeting up with them, they just left but I and Paul will be there I had to tell you." I got up slowly from the bed grabbing my shirt. Rose's arm stopping me.


"I have to, I need to see him." She nodded releasing my arm as she and Leah shared a look. I followed her out the door jogging softly to catch up to Jake and Seth. Upon hearing a twig snap I'd step on both turned around.

"What are you doing here?"

"I need to come."

"Bri you need to go back."

"Jacob, please." He sighed looking at the ground before nodding.

"You ok."

"I'll be fine, let's go." We stopped a few minutes later Jake getting in front of us. I could sense them out there watching us.

"I just want to talk, it would be easier if I could hear you guys too." He said looking into the forest.

"Jacob we need to phase."

"Leah they will see it as a threat." Jake said before turning, I heard rustling in the leaves, they had phased back. My breath left my lungs as Jared, Quil, Embry, and Paul walked over the hill. Paul looked exhausted, he hadn't shaven in days and he still looked mad. His eyes met mine and stopped, he glanced over me with a worried expression.

"Take Leah, Seth, and Bri home, I want Sam to forgive them."

"Jake No." Leah and Seth both protested before me.

"Lee-Lee Sam wants you to come back home."

"Jared shut the fuck up; you don't get to call her that. Tell my brother he's an asshole for using her heart against her." I said getting angry, it was wrong of my brother to use that name with her anymore. But to have the audacity to send the guys here and use it.

"Brianna." My head jerked to Paul as he said my name.


"Are you coming home?"

"Are you still planning to slaughter a defenseless child?"

"That thing is a disgusting creature killing Bella and it needs to be taken out before it hurts anyone else."

"How can you say that it's a fucking baby?"

"It's a FUCKING MONSTER is what the fuck it IS!"

"Leah you were wrong, he doesn't deserve to know." I said softly turning and walking away from all of them. My chest throbbed urging me to go to Paul but I didn't. Not when he was like this, so evil and disgusting. What if someone felt that same way about our child; I wanted nothing more than to go to Paul tell him everything that had happened, mourn with him. Hell, I needed him, but not like that. I heard a twig snap behind me and went to turn around when something hard hit me in the back and everything faded.

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