Untitled Part 73

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After teasing Bri a little bit more and pissing her off slightly I got her to fall asleep. We still had a bit of a trip to go and she was going to need all the rest she could possibly get. I grabbed a blanket from home covering her with it while she rested her head against me. I was still in shock of where we were going and I knew Brianna was going to freak, The Cullen's owned a damn island in Brazil and had graciously let us use it for a few weeks, kind of for a wedding present. There was no telling of the havoc that Brianna and I would be causing being on our own freaking island for two weeks. I smirked looking down at her peaceful face thinking of all the things I could do to her; how the hell did I get so lucky?

"Sir, sir, we have arrived, wake up sir." I instantly opened my eyes jerking awake as I rubbed my face. The attendant had an apologetic smile on her face. "I'm sorry to wake you, but we have arrived."

"Thank you." As she walked off I sat up gently shaking Brianna awake. "Ri, babe, wake up; we're here."


"Baby, wake up." I said kissing her

"I'm awake now handsome."

"We're here, come on." I said taking her hand and helping her up.

Walking off the plane I was as disoriented as her, I honestly was expecting to see the sun but it was dark here as well, because of the long flight. Getting in the cab I slid my arm around her as she snuggled against me. I rubbed her arm gently as we drove down the busy streets of wherever we were in the country.

"Sir." I said sitting up. The driver looked up at me in the mirror and I slid him a piece of paper. Edward had written something down that had a destination on it he said we needed to go to.


"I took Bella by on our own honeymoon. Danced for a bit, it's really romantic and I think you two would definitely enjoy it." Edward said talking about this spot in Brazil.

"So what people just dance in the street?"

"Yes, there is live music and people are just having fun. It's even better at Carnival but I think when you guys are going is after that time frame."

"It's before, your wedding is like a month before when theirs was. But it's still very fun, and the hiking on the island is fantastic, the waterfalls are beautiful." Esme said walking in with some food.

"Thank you guys again, this is going to mean a lot to her."


Soon enough the driver stopped and Bri sat up looking around with a confused look. Opening the door I took her hand pulling her out of the car and across the street where I could already see a nice group of people dancing. Honestly, Bri and I stood out, me in dress pants and a shirt and tie and her still in that sexy ass wedding dress; but as I pulled her body against mine everybody else around faded away.


I had no clue how long Paul and I had been dancing but it seemed like it was forever. Giggling I leaned back into Paul as we slowly made our way back to the cab. Getting in I tossed my legs over Paul and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Having fun so far?" He questioned softly. Raising my head he looked sexy as hell and stole my breath. He had his head leaned back and a soft trace of a goatee on his face.

"Mhmm, Rio de Janerio huh?"

"Nope, more like Isle Esme" Paul responded turning his head towards me. He had one arm around me and was rubbing my side and back while his other ran up and down my leg every now and then.

"Isle what?"

"Carlisle bought Esme an island as a wedding gift or anniversary gift or something."

"Wow, that's awesome. How are we getting there?" I asked as the car stopped.

"Put this blindfold on, take my hand, and get out." He said quietly. I did as he asked and let him pull me out of the car.

I took his arm as we walked and he led me down some boardwalk. I knew we were close to the ocean because I could hear the water and smell it as well. Paul let go of me for a second and I stopped moving. I could hear some banging around and then Paul's scent was strong as he stood back in front of me griping my hips firmly.

"You know, I actually think you look hot with that on, I might keep you in it."

"Paul." I giggled hitting his arm. I felt his hands touch my face before one moved and pulled at the blindfold. As it slid down my face the first thing I saw was Paul and I smiled. Secondly, I saw the small boat behind him that held our luggage. "Umm." I said nervously.

"Get in." Paul said hoping in and holding out his hand.

Once I was in the boat safely Paul started it and began driving the boat. I looked at him nervously but too scared to speak or move. I thought he was going to kill us because he had never driven a boat before.

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