a robot inconvenience

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tsukasa stared out the window in his classroom as he waited for everyone else in his class to finish their tests. the sky had become cloudy in the short time between lunch and class, and the sun seemingly disappeared. his classroom was placed directly over the courtyard, and gave a nice view to what was outside.

there was the stuff usually present: flowers, trees, robots...wait. robots? tsukasa leaned closer to the window as he looked at a small purple thing floating closer towards his classroom. it appeared to be a small bat-looking robot with propellers atop it to keep it afloat.

tsukasa was completely shocked by what he saw, and rubbed his eyes thinking it was some sort of figment of his imagination, but unfortunately, it was still there. tsukasa directed his attention to where his desk was in attempt to make it go away....which didnt..exactly work.

shooting his hand up into the air, he asked to go to the bathroom. once out of his class, he rushed down to the courtyard. looking to where the robot was, it seemed to be slowly floating down to meet tsukasa's eye level. tsukasa stared at the floating robot carefully before grabbing it and inspecting its whole body.

"ugh. who in the world had the time to design something so intricate..just go back to your owner or something!" tsukasa then let the robot go, and it flew off quickly.

walking back into class, it seemed everyone was finished with their test, and the class was back to chatting. tsukasa sank into his chair, and a few kids looked at him.

"..whats that purple robot thing behind you!?"

tsukasa turned to see what his classmates were talking about, and saw the same purple bat robot staring him down outside the window. tsukasa stared at it in once more before laying his head down on the desk and sighing in defeat.

"i dont know. its just been...staring at me since i finished the test!"

one of the classmates gasped, tapping tsukasa's shoulder to get his attention. "its kamishiro's robot!" just then, tsukasa's mind snapped into place.

"ahah! thank you fellow classmate! i shall talk to that kamishiro about this......afterschool!"


the rest of the day went by quickly, and soon the dismissal bell rang. before tsukasa could go home though, he had to find rui and figure out what was up with his robot.

unfortunately, the robot was still following tsukasa. he decided to let it in through the window, and now it just floated over his shoulder. but on the bright side, it'd be easy to catch up to rui due to him being in the class next to him.

so, there he waited and waited. and he didnt seem to be coming out of the classroom. so, after around 2 minutes, he asked someone who came from the classroom.

"hey you! is kamishiro in there? i need to talk to him about one of his robots."

the classmate shook her head. "no..he hasnt been here at all today. sorry." she then turned around and walked off.

tsukasa sighed and thought to himself. where else could he possibly be? tsukasa thought back to what rui had said. "aha! the rooftop! my superstar intuition never fails!!"

rushing in the way the staircase up to the roof was, the robot began to pick up its pace to keep up with tsukasa. tsukasa walked up the staircase, and opened the door to the roof. tsukasa looked around, and soon caught a glimpse of purple hair.

"ah, tenma. great to see you again!" in the boys hands rested a controller, and a bag of soda candies laid halfway full next to him. rui smirked mischievously as tsukasa frowned.

"whats up with this robot behind me?" tsukasa pointed at the robot, which was twirling around in circles, making tsukasa grimace. "its been annoying ever since i finished my test! i do not want this thing following me anymore!"

rui's smile faded as he looked down at the controller in his hand, and began messing with it. soon, the purple robot came to rui's side, and rested on the bench next to the soda candies. after that, rui set the controller down and grabbed the candy.

"you can leave now. i doubt you, a pretty popular person being caught with the freak, no?" rui stared at tsukasa curiously as tsukasa began to walk closer to rui.

"id beg to differ. my class calls me a weirdo for trying to pursue my dream. quite foolish if you ask me!" tsukasa sat to the right of rui, where there was no mess. "and why were you not in your class? you made my search a whole lot harder just to be on the roof."

rui smiled smugly. "oh? you spent time looking for me? how kind of you!" rui shrugged. "and why i wasnt in class? i just didnt feel like attending. they all look at me like im a crazy murder or something anyways." rui put another soda candy into his mouth and offered some to tsukasa, to which he declined.

"and wait- whyd you send that drone-robot-thing after me anyways!" ruis smile winded a little bit more as he grabbed a paper from a bag and scribbled something down before handing it to tsukasa. "if you want to find out, why dont you go ahead and contact me through phone? id like to save the conversation for later. now goodbye, tenma- or should it be tsukasa now..until next time!" rui then grabbed all his stuff, and walked away as tsukasa called his name to come back.

looking at the paper, it seemed to be a number. the writing was in dark purple pen, and the paper was some sort of phoenix wonderland paper theyd hand out in the mail. tsukasa inputted the number into his phone and created a new contact, before packing up himself and going home.


im tired. (help.)

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