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during the last ten minutes of lunch and the rest of the day, rui quickly took note on how happy tsukasa was.

it wasnt a bad thing, of course. this meant the blond spoke out like he did when they first met, relieving all the light yet threatening tension there was when they conversed presently.

"rui, you still have left overs?" tsukasa was referring to the bag of soda candies the taller boy ate as they walked casually to phoenix wonderland.

"i always do!..but technically i don't. i just have a big stash of the candies laying around in the robo-bat's compartment area."

"woah, it has compartments? where do you find the space to fit all the technology stuff then?" tsukasa smiled, genuinely curious. rui's eyes lit up, absolutely ecstatic to explain his robots.

"ohh, i actually have modded computer chips to save space! well, theyre not really computer chips. they're actually a lot bigger than an average chip. maybe the size of my hand on robo's like the bat, but the bigger and more advanced a robot is, it'll require bigger chip! like for example, nenerobo requires 5 chips the size of a gallon of milk, which isnt that big considering shes around 4 and a half feet tall..but alot of her other space is taken up by facial recognition, fully functional legs and arms, and the hidden jets in her." rui talked as if he couldn't run out of breath, had an exciting tone the entire time he spoke.

tsukasa smiled excitedly, clasping his hands together. "woahh, awesome! you're so amazing rui." rui blushed, flustered by the compliment. "yknow, you dont seem to get embarrassed or flustered that easily. that's something i wish i could have." tsukasa smiled, and opened the gate to backstage of the park.

rui smiled back at tsukasa's statement, and hummed as he saw emu sitting on the stage, scribbling on a big poster. the girl hadn't noticed the duo, and they quietly walked over to her on stage.

"oh, tsukasa and rui! glad to see you guys are both well rested today..wheres nene?" rui shrugged casually while tsukasa unpacked, digging for his script. "i made a few promo posters! i got my brothers to copy it and post them around town, so we'll probably be getting a large crowd for this show. isnt that so nice of them?!" emu smiled, and tsukasa chuckled smugly.

"ahh, i can feel myself basking in the stage light, with all of the audience's eyes on me!" tsukasa did a small yet elegant spin, and emu smiled. "i bet the audience will love it, i mean, i did put so much effort into this, so if i dont do so good.." tsukasa groaned, before staring at his script.

rui grabbed the blonds slumping shoulder. "dont worry, you'll do great. you are my star after all." tsukasa smiled, before his face slowly turned confused yet pleased.

"aw, im your star? hmm, thats kinda cute though." rui realized his words, and pursed his lips.

"..i meant 'our star.'" rui tried to excuse himself, but emu shook rui.

"nope! he meant his star! dont hide it kanga-rui!" rui looked freaked out, while tsukasa pleasantly enjoyed this company.

"what?! first of all 'kanga-rui?!' and second of all, i just made a small mistake, i 100% meant 'our star!'" rui sighed in defeat, and emu laughed.

"i dont mind it rui. actually, to be honest, when i talk about wonderlands x showtime to others, i call you 'my director'. how coincidental, hm?" tsukasa cracked his fingers, before stepping back onto the stage. "alright, lets do this!"

"but nene isnt here! can we just wait~..." emu slouched, and tsukasa frowned.

tsukasa lowered his head slightly in thought, before lifting it back up with a soft smile forming. "alright, i guess we can. not too long, though. maybe 10 minutes at most?" emu's face brightened, and nodded gratefully.

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