weird feeling

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rui sat at his desk, staring at the script. "im home rui! how are you, hm?" rui's mom peeked into her son's room, curious. "did you finish something?" rui's mom walked over, peering over rui's shoulder. "ohh!~ the script! may i read over it?"

rui nodded. "of course, it may need a little revision for things such as typos, but whatever." rui gave his mom the script, and her eyes began shooting from one side of the page to the other.

a few minutes later, she handed the script back. "i love it! great job dear." rui's mom kissed rui's cheek, and stood quietly for a second. "was your friend tsukasa here?"

rui nodded, surprised she knew. "howd you figure that out?"

"he has this sort of smell to a gingerbread cookie!"

"you noticed that too?" rui smiled, before realizing how awkward that is to say outloud. the two blinked at eachother before rui's mom cleared her throat.

"so..what happened with you and your little boyfriend?" rui laughed, and shook his head, while his mom leaned on the desk, curious about what happened. "tell me everything!"

"well...we went to the aquarium. remember, the one we use to go to with nene and her family?" rui's mom nodded. "we shared my lunch..and oh! tsutsu wanted to tell you your meals are amazing. then we went home, watched the little mermaid. tsukasa fell asleep, i woke him up later, then i walked him out. i let him borrow my umbrella as well..thats it." rui looked up to his mom, who was smiling.

"you two are so adorable!~ you should totally date him rui."

rui awkwardly smiled, shaking his head. "i dont think im ready for that just yet..who knows though, mom? maybe i will end up with him." smiling, rui looked at the extremely happy look plastered over his mom. "did i say something?"

"you said yet! does that mean you're thinking of the possibility?"

"and why should i tell you my plans?" rui smiled playfully, and rui's mom glared at him.

"because im your mom, silly goose!" rui laughed as his mom ruffled his hair. "alright alright, im gonna lay down. goodnight kiddo!" rui's mom kissed her son's cheek again, and walked out.

yawning, rui looked at the pictures of nene and himself when they were in elementary school. "we've grown so much happy you found someone to hold even closer to," rui mumbled to himself, and smiled tiredly. "i hope the day i hold someone that close comes soon."


the next morning, rui arrived at school. the rain had finally calmed down, only light drops of rain falling on the umbrella rui borrowed from his mom. "morning. can i ask you about something?" nene smiled at rui, and the tall boy nodded as the two friends walked into the school. "i'll get to the point; when are you going to confess, rui?"

rui's eyes widened, and directed his eyes toward the ground. "confess to what?"

"to tsukasa! it's so obvious you like that weirdo, rui. it's a matter if when you want to be honest about this." nene stared at rui, and he sighed.

rui crossed his arms. "jeez, whats with everyone ganging up on me with dating and confessing..? i'll confess whenever im ready. and plus, im not even sure he'd like me, or if he'll just become one old silly crush."

"you're saying that even though he's insisted you two hold hands and go 'hang out?' yeah, he definitely doesn't like you." nene nudged rui. "..but you're right rui. take your time. make the choice that you think is best, alright?" rui exchanged a smile with nene, and the bell rang at a perfect time. as they stood up and went their separate ways, tsukasa bumped into rui as he came up the stairs.

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