digital wonderland

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tsukasa made it to the wonder stage before emu, which was kind of concerning. shrugging it off, he sat down on a bench, listening to a music sample he had made for the pianist in the play. he had put it into his music files, and was planning to show it to the rest of the group once they arrived. nene and emu arrived together, and rui had yet to show up.

"sorry i was late tsukasa! nene wanted to walk with me here and i just couldnt say no.." emu smiled apologetically, and nene stared at her phone, not focused on the conversation. "wheres rui, tsukasa? he didnt walk with you?" tsukasa shook his head.

"i tried waiting for him after school ended by the exit, but he didnt show. maybe he forgot. nene, can you ask?"

"he doesnt forget stuff that easily tsukasa. he definitely remembers." tsukasa frowned, and looked at the picture he took of the crocheted robot. "he's probably bringing something for us, but i dont know."

a few minutes passed and rui was still nowhere to be seen. tsukasa had finally decided to start the meeting, not confident rui would actually show up. " I decided to create a sample for the pianist's part. i want to know your opinions on it, kay?" tsukasa was turning his phone back on when he saw something, or someone out the corner of his eye.

"im sorry for being so late guys. i had to grab some robots at my house, and um..i ran into someone." rui had a wagon in his right hand, full with robots and mechanical parts. he seemed exhausted from going around so much, but he was also pale, and looked around in a panicked state.

nene looked up from her phone and looked concerningly at rui. she then put her phone away, and listened to what he was going to say next. "anyways, lets start our meeting! you seemed like you were beginning to say things before i came and interrupted, so go ahead and finish that."

tsukass cleared his throat before opening his phone. " i have a sample of the piano music i came up with last night for the pianist in the show..let me just find it and we can..wait what?" tsukasa looked at his phone, seeing an untitled music file. "i never added this."

emu, nene, and rui all gathered around and looked at the file, emu smiling. "ooh ooh! a mystery story! I love this already!!"

"try playing it, tsu tsu. just to check yknow?" tsukasa gave rui the side eye, but rui just cracked a small smile.

tsukasa opened the file, and as soon as he pressed play, a blinding flash came out of his phone. this was followed with another bright flash, but this time when the group could focus their eyes properly again, they appeared in a whole other world.

"huh!? wow!! its so colorful!" emu jumped around happily, eyes shimmering. nene looked absolutely terrified. rui looked around in curiosity, and anticipated what would happen next, while tsukasa's jaw practically dropped, freaked out.

"what the heck is this place!?" tsukasa looked around in panic, until he saw 2 figures with light and dark blue hair. "ah! over here!"

a shorter girl did small jumps in place and ran over to the 4, clearly excited. "welcome to the wonderland sekai!! you must be tsukasa, rui, emu, and nene! im miku, and this is kaito!!" kaito was a taller guy with dark blue hair, and waved at the 4 teens happily.

nene looked at miku, curious. "wait..hatsune miku?" miku smiled and nodded, and clapped her hands excitedly.

" you guys want a tour around the sekai!?" miku's eyes shimmered in anticipation, ready for the groups answer. tsukasa thought for a moment before nodding.

"oh, sure! just make it quick, okay?" emu nodded viciously, clearly excited. nene and rui nodded aswell. kaito laughed quietly at how much fun they seemed to be having, and miku smiled.

"okay!! lets go~" miku marched excitedly, while tsukasa and the others followed happily behind.


"..and thats it!! i hope you guys had fun on this tour!!" rui smiled happily, still taken aback by how huge the stage was and all the mechanisms it held. "ooh! sorry but its getting late for you should probably go back to the real world before people get worried!"

emu frowned at miku, clearly sad. " we really..?" nene patted emu, in an attempt to make her feel better.

"its okay emu! you can always come back here through the untitled file on all of your phones, and me and kaito will always be here!" that raised emus spirits lightly, cracking a smile. "okay kaito, lets send them back!" kaito nodded, smiling sadly. "okay, byebye everyone!" everyone waved their goodbyes before getting sent back to the real world.

"ugh..that felt like a fever dream..." tsukasa rubbed his head, and got up slowly. "...oh wait! she was right, it is late.. i have to go now guys, but we can meet up tomorrow, or in the sekai?" everyone nodded as they began packing aswell.

"bye everyone!" emu smiled happily, still excited from what happened moments ago. tsukasa waved as he left, emu following a few feet behind him.

"rui, can we..walk home together? i need to talk about something with you." nene had a completely serious expression, making rui feel slightly akward.

"oh, sure. lets go then?" nene nodded, and the two friends began walking. after making it out of the park, rui looked to nene. "what's wrong nene?"

"who you ran into, was it.." nene had a somber tone in her voice, and rui frowned.

"yeah, it was ezra."

"did he say anything?"

"just a few things like..'you're nothing without me' and 'you'll fall apart without me'..i wasnt that bothered with it though."

"you looked pale as snow when you got to the stage, rui. it was something else, wasnt it?"


"if you dont want to tell me its fine, but i really do care for you rui."

"he told me that the only reason people befriend me is for my robots, and that i'll never be wanted around others."

nene frowned, and rui's lips wavered. "he also digged his nails into my left wrist, cutting it pretty bad in the process. oh, i'll just fix it up at home though."

"okay rui, but please try to not to run into him again, okay?" rui nodded, and stopped at the front of his house. nene walked across the street to her house, before they both went inside to their cozy homes. "night rui!"

rui looked at the scar ezra had gave him, and thought back to the things he had said. "tsukasa..he couldn't possibly be like him, right?" rui gripped his left wrist, wincing from a small bit of pain. "no..he cant..i swear."



sockcat43 oh oh oh oh

also do u guys want a drawing of wht ezra looks like 😵

anywaysssbrhdh im gonna take a nice nap while ignoring the fact i just flunked a quiz! 😋

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