school preparations

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a light shake on rui's shoulder woke him up immediately. looking to his left to see who was shaking him, he saw tsukasa with a panicked expression. "rui! we're going to be late to school!! hurry up!"

rui looked at the clock, seeing it was 30 minutes until the first bell rang. "tsukasa? we literally have so much time left..what are you talking about?" rui looked back to tsukasa, who looked confused.
"plus my house isnt that far from the school so it'll take less than 5 minutes, so dont worry."

"oh." tsukasa looked embarrassed, and looked at rui awkwardly for a moment before letting go of rui's shoulder and sitting up next to him. the two friend's were still seated in the same exact place they were last night, against rui's bedframe, the blanket rui put on the two kicked to the side.

"anyways, we should probably get ready. you can borrow one of my uniforms, but it'll look kind of weird without you wearing your signature yellow cardigan." rui smiled and tsukasa and got up, tsukasa getting up right after him.

"alright then! thanks for letting me spend the night here by the way."  rui nodded happily, and the two began getting ready.


after they were finished getting ready, they went downstairs and were greeted with 2 plates of delicious looking food for the two boys. rui's mom was washing dishes in the kitchen, and looked over to the two boys, smiling. "good morning sleepy heads! go ahead and take you time eating breakfast, i'll take you guys to school by car." rui nodded and sat in his chair, tsukasa sitting next to him.

taking a bite into a scrambled egg, tsukasa's eyes lit up. "oh, this is really good mrs.kamishiro! thank you for breakfast." rui's mom smiled happily and rui giggled, delighted to see him and his mom getting along well.

the boys finished up their meals, and rui's mom gave her son a peck on the cheek and collecting the dirty dishes before going back to washing dishes. "oh tsukasa, your mom came over last night to come give your school bag to me. she told me to tell you that your lunch was in there along with all your supplies for your classes considerate of your mom!"

tsukasa let out a sigh of relief. "oh..thank god she did. i was stressing about that, so thanks for letting me know!!" tsukasa smiled at rui's mom, and ruis mom smiled right back at him.

rui and tsukasa then went back upstairs, where rui collected all his notebooks and tossed them in his bag, along with a pencil case and gardening club apron. " um rui? do you know how to waltzing?" rui looked at tsukasa, surprised to hear tsukasa ask that.

"mhm, i do. why though?"

tsukasa turned a light red out of embarrassment, and sighed. "i dont know how to dance, and i really need to learn how before we begin practicing"

" you want me to teach you?" tsukasa nodded, embarrassed in himself. "i'd be glad to teach you." tsukasa looked relieved to hear rui would teach him, and smiled. rui then zipped up his school bag, and threw it over his shoulder. "hm..ill teach you today during our lunch? maybe we can go to that empty classroom?"

tsukasa nodded and sat on rui's bed, waiting for rui to finish doing his makeup. stretching, tsukasa opened his phone, and his eyed widened as soon as he saw the amount of missed calls his mom sent out. "oh..okay! i'm definitely gonna be in trouble by the time i get home." rui looked and tsukasa concerning, but tsukasa just shook his head.

"okay then..lets go let my mom take us to school now! we still have 5 minutes left to spare." rui put his phone in his back pocket, and walked downstairs while tsukasa followed right behind him. "okay, we're ready to go ma." rui's mom smiled and got up from the couch, grabbing her keys. opening the front door, the two boys went over to the car which rui's mom unlocked and the boys got in, sitting shoulder to shoulder, close enough to feel each other's breaths.

"okay then, off we go!" rui's mom started the car, and they were off. she looked at the two boys through the car mirror, and smiled gently. "so, how long have you guys been friends?" rui looked at tsukasa who was already looking at him, and shrugged.

"probably a month now!" tsukasa smiled, and rui looked shocked for how long its been already. "it hasn't felt like a month's so fun with rui that time flies by!" tsukasa giggled, and rui turned a light shade of red, butterflies in his stomach.

" guys are so cute!! im happy rui found someone as caring and considerate as you, tsukasa!" rui smiled, and laughed lightly, barely audible. the car made its final turn before going into the schools drop off section, where rui's mom stopped the car. "oh, alright then..have a good day you two! and i love you rui!!" rui's mom blew a kiss to her son, rui waving back happily. rui's mom then drove away, and rui checked his watch.

"we still have a few minutes before school starts..what now?" tsukasa shrugged, and began walking towards the main courtyard, where he saw nene playing on her phone. rui smiled, and tapped nene on the shoulder lightly. looking up, nene smiled. "morning nene!"

nene looked at the two boys back and forth, and laughed smugly. "did you guys ride together..and even stay the night at rui's house?" tsukasa looked shocked at nene who got it right from word to word, and rui nodded akwardly.

"what!? howd you know!"

tapping her chin, nene thought for a moment. "well, tsukasa always arrives 20 minutes before the bell, so it's unnatural for him to come the same time rui does. also, rui's uniform is slightly bigger than yours. also, you smell like rui's mom's incense."

rui looked at nene, shocked from how much information she gathered from the 1 minute the friends had been standing there. moments after, the bell echoed through the courtyard, signaling the start of the school day. nene waved goodbye to the boys, while rui had his wrist grabbed by tsukasa, and was practically getting dragged to his class. "uh, tsukasa? youre dragging me like a snow sled.."

tsukasa looked at his hand and let go, embarrassed. "im sorry rui! i didnt mean to grab your was reflex, i swear!" rui smiled and tsukasa's panicked expression, and shrugged it off. by the time all of this happened, the boys were at their classes, where they both said goodbye to one another and went into their respective classes.


the classes that day sped by quickly, and tsukasa remembered to head to the empty class. tsukasa sighed before grabbing his stuff and heading towards the empty classroom.

opening the door, rui wasn't there yet. tsukasa stretched before sitting at the empty teachers desk. tsukasa opened his lunch and ate quietly, waiting for rui.

a few minutes later, tsukasa felt a pair of hands wrapping around his neck, and looked up to see rui smiling happily. "lets get started with dancing now, shall we?"



ruis mom is the kinda mom i want honestly LOL

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