a simple day in the kamishiro residence

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rui couldnt get what happened earlier out of his head. it was inevitable that the 2 boys would see eachother again at the wonderstage in a few hours, where he could apologize, but rui nonetheless felt extremely bad for pushing tsukasa away like that. rui sat up lazily, and woke his phone from sleep mode, which seemed to be bombarded with notifications from messages, the grade book, and tons of different social media platforms. he didn't feel like going through all of the notifications, so rui just set his phone back down as his stomach growled quietly from hunger.

standing up, rui sighed. he wanted to apologize to tsukasa, but didn't have the words at the moment. he then went downstairs, where his mom was watching the news. rui's mom was patting a spot next to her lightly after noticing her son, and rui sat next to her, where he laid his head on his mom's shoulder. rui's mom ran her fingers through his head soothingly, and hummed. "what do you want for breakfast kiddo? i'm down make anything."

rui bit his lip for a moment, thinking. "what about..chocolate croissants? oh, and can you make atleast 4 extra for later?" rui's mom's eyes sparkled with joy, and nodded happily.

"of course! that shouldn't take too long, so why dont you go ahead and work on some of your brilliant inventions while i cook?" rui nodded, and his mom ruffled the boy's hair playfully before going towards the kitchen, and rui heading towards the garage.

sitting down at his desk, he looked at the brainstorm sketches he made, compared to the actual robots he made a day before. they looked almost the exact same, other than the fact that one was paper and the other was metal.

rui decided he should try the music playing bot out first, so it can play the song while the two characters dance the waltz. this was the same bot tsukasa seemed to take interest in, which was also the crochet gift rui had made for him. it was the shape of a bunny plushie, and had a cd inserter on its back, while the speakers were placed inside the bunny's ears. it was roughly the size of a regular desk lamp.

rui took an old cd off his shelf, blowing off the dust on it. turning the bunny on, he inserted the disc.not even a moment later, a beautiful tune came out the speakers. It was undeniable that it was a recording of nene's singing when the two friends were younger. rui smiled, and listened to the melody for another minute before pulling the disc out and pursing his lips.

setting the disc on his desk, rui looked at the other robot designs he had to create in the next few days. they wouldn't take that long, but still had to manage to fit it in with his already stuffed school schedule. mumbling to himself, he laid his head on his desk, still a bit tired. moments later, rui could hear his name echoing through the whole house. sitting up, rui stretched before coming out of his workshop to a chocolatey smell mixed with freshly baked bread in the air. sitting down next to his mom, there was a cup of hot chocolate awaiting rui along with a croissant. "It smells good mom! thank you for breakfast."

rui's mom brought her plate over to the table, and pecked rui's forehead before sitting down. "no problem! feel free to ask me for more." rui dipped his croissant in the hot chocolate, and smiled from how good it tasted. "so..anything to do today? gardening, practice?" rui's mom bit into her croissant, and wiped her mouth with a napkin respectfully.

rui nodded, and ran his finger on the edge of the hot chocolate cup as he chewed. "i have practice today, and i actually asked to make those 4 extras for the rest of the group. he then stared and his mom, who seemed to have been listening to him intently. "my after school gardening club is tomorrow, though." rui's mom nodded and finished eating, and got up to set her plate in the sink.

"okay then! by the way, I have to go to work around the time you leave so i'll leave you with the keys before you head out." rui nodded, rubbing his eye before continuing to eat. "and make sure to talk it out with your little tsu tsu at practice!!"

rui flushed red in embarrassment, and his mom giggled playfully. "mom..its just a silly little nickname! and he's just a friend.." rui's mom smiled and ran her fingers through rui's hair before heading towards the stairs to get ready for work.

"love you kiddo! see you in a few minutes." rui's mom blew a kiss to her son before going upstairs, humming sweetly. rui, still having half his croissant left, began eating a bit faster so he could get ready to head over to phoenix wonderland.

finishing after a few more minutes, he set his plate in the sink before heading upstairs. rui walked into his bathroom, washing his face and putting on his light red eyeliner carefully. he then  brushed his bed head out before heading back to his room, preparing to find an outfit to wear. he decided he wanted to wear something overall comfortable, but also look decent. digging through his drawers and swiping through all the hanged outfits in his closet, he came up with an outfit with brown sweatpants and a long cream colored cardigan, and a white top underneath that cardigan. looking in the mirror, he twirled around before stretching and going back down stairs to see if his mom was ready.

peeking at the bottom of the stairway, rui saw his mom packing two bento boxes, presumably for the two of them. turning to face rui, his mom ran up to the boy and tightly hugged him. "oh my gosh rui!! you look so cute!~"  rui cracked a smile and giggled, his mom smiling widely.

"oh, by the way, here's the house key!" rui's mom walked over to a small basket and tossed a small key towards rui, and rui catched it with ease. "oh, and if im not home by the time your practice ends, your bento box is in the fridge! i decided to make it extra cute this time around.." ruis mom finished her bento before setting it in her work tote carefully, which laid on the table, but not long before putting the tote on.

"oh? are you leaving now?" rui spun the key in his finger, gazing at his mom, who used her phone to make sure her outfit looked alright. nodding, she walked towards rui, twirling the longer hair strand in the front of his hair.

"yep, and you should get going too, it's 12:30." ruis mom moved her sons  front bang to the side gently, and kissed his forehead. she then walked toward the door, opening it. rui looked back to his mom, and she blew a kiss to him. "alright, love you kiddo!! stay safe~"

rui waved at his mom, and sighed once the door closed. he was slightly worried to see tsukasa, but he tried to stay calm. rui went back upstairs, grabbing his phone and checking his outfit and hair one last time before going back down and putting his shoes on. he the  opened the front door, and stepped out to head towards phoenix wonderland.



(maybe ill show a picture of ruis mom!?😱)

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