it was just a joke

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for the rest of his gardening period, rui stayed on tsukasa shoulder, trying not to hyperventilate as he tried to slow his breathing down. tsukasa didnt move, and tried comforting rui as well as he could. when the period ended, rui and tsukasa didnt exchange another word as rui stuffed his gardening apron in his bag and left to his next class. tsukasa watched as rui left, and soon headed towards his own class.

rui took his seat and pulled his notebook out, laying his head on the desk. as the bell rung, rui looked at the notebook, where stage setup ideas were scribbled down. rui added more details to the sets out of boredom, and flipped the page to take notes on the board. the class went by slowly, and rui's growing boredom turned into drowsiness. right before rui had the chance to sleep, the bell blared, causing rui to jump and rush to grab his notebook.

rui's next class was the exact same, and all he did was stare out the window that faced the courtyard. he saw a ginger haired boy supposedly ditching, and watched as he went to hide in the garden shed.

when the class ended, rui remembered to meet tsukasa in the front of the school. walking down the flights of stairs, rui read a sign on the billboard.



*All accelerated classes will be participating this year!*

When: The last week of January
Note: If you want a personal festival stand, please consult the student council for consent! **NO WONDERHOY STANDS!!!!**


rui read the sign, and was intrigued when he read the last week of january. the date the festival was scheduled to happen was in 2 months, which was the estimated time the show was ready to take place.

rui spaced out for a moment thinking of the show, but was snapped back to reality once a set of hands were placed on both of rui's shoulder, and when he looked behind, rui's eyes lit up seeing tsukasa smiling.

"hi rui! are you feeling a bit better?" tsukasa took his hands off rui's shoulders and stood next to him, curious to see what rui was looking at.

"im doing a bit eyes are still a bit sore though." rui laughed awkwardly, and moved strands of hair out his face. "so, ready to go? im kinda curious to see what you need help with." tsukasa nodded.

"alright! do you have everything you need?" rui nodded, and made a small smile. tsukasa then grabbed rui's hand, and walked out of the school. the purple haired boy was surprised from this fast gesture, and realized how cold his hands were compared to tsukasa.

rui watched as tsukasa led him towards the school's exit."your hands are really warm tsu tsu.." rui accidentally said that out loud, and tsukasa looked over to rui.

giggling, tsukasa smiled. "you should feel your hands rui, they're freezing!" rui exchanged the smile. "if you need to warm your hands up, you can always borrow my gloves! i dont mind."

tsukasa let go of rui's hand, and pulled a pair of gloves out his pocket before handing it to the taller boy. rui took a second to accept them, but did hesitantly take them. "oh, thank you.." rui smiled again, his stomach doing a tiny backflip as he put the gloves on. tsukasa nodded, and the two walked onto the street that they'd take to each other's homes.


the two friends walked into tsukasa's neighborhood, and soon tsukasa opened the gate to his front yard. as the two walked into the blond's house, tsukasa got tackled by his younger sister, saki. "tsukasa!! welcome home!" saki hugged her brother tightly, before looking to where rui stood awkwardly. "ah! you brought your boyfriend again!! wait, i have an image for you.." tsukasa turned a bright red, and grabbed saki's phone out of her hands.

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