a supply store and a box

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eyes slowly fluttering open, tsukasa brushed the strands of hair covering his eyes. he picked up his phone beside him, checking if he had any urgent notifications. none. sitting up, tsukasa rubbed his eyes before putting on his sheep slippers that saki gave him for his 14th birthday.

walking downstairs, the blond realized his whole family was enjoying breakfast calmly like it was a weekend, except it was a tuesday, which was a busy school day. saki greeted her older brother happily, hugging him.

"oh, good morning saki! why arent you getting ready for school?" saki chewed on her breakfast, shrugging.

"well, they canceled school due to the heavy rain that's supposed to come today.. it kinda sucks, i mean me and my group were supposed to meet up today!!" saki sat back down at the dining table, stuffing another slice of a fluffy pancake into her mouth.

tsukasa's mom turned around from the stove, facing the boy. "oh, tsukasa!! good morning!" she rushed over to him, kissing his forehead before heading back to the stove to flip a pancake close to burning.

tsukasa sat down at his spot at the table, next to saki. groaning, he laid his head down on the table, tired. saki sipped her orange juice before getting up, and taking her plate over to the sink. she then thanked her mom for dinner before running upstairs, heading to her room.

moments later, a plate was sat infront of tsukasa. it consisted of fluffy pancakes, a sunny side up egg, and a cup of orange juice. tsukasa thanked his mom before eating his food and getting up to leave.

tsukasa went into his room once more, plopping down onto his bed, ready to go back to sleep, but a vibration came from his phone. sitting back up to read it, he realized it was from rui.




do u wanna go to
the supply store wtih me
cuz i need parts for my
robots and uhhh maybe
you need some materials
for costumes??

im sorry im probably
waking you up so esrly

no ofc ill go

wait how do yk
i sew n stuff...

um!!! nene and
not stalking 🤗

but really???
when/where do
u wanna meet


what ab today at 1:00?
give me a little bit of
time to get ready

sounds good!! ill
ttyl then?

seen 9:28


tsukasa set his phone back down, and closed his eyes to think for a little bit. he didnt realize it but he soon fell asleep once again.

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