performance at wonderland

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the sun was setting, and the sky turned into a nice red and pinkish color. rui sat on his bed, staring at his phone, waiting for it to light up from a notification. rui's room was very colorful, with balloons and balloon animals laying around, plastic balls in a red crate, and a messy desk with a large pc. above the desk was photos, robot designs taped to the wall, and a tv above the pc.

rui looked at the small purple robot next to him, sighing. finally, after a few more minutes, rui's phone lit up, and he looked to see the notification. it was a message from an unknown number.

                                unknown number



                       is this rui
                       its me tsukasa
                                                           YEAG its me

                       oh ok cool
                      anyways whats up
                      with the robot             

                                                          i just felt like it

                    is that the actual
                    reason tho


                                               okay maybe not
                 thats what i thought

                 now tell me the actual

                                              uh. i was just curious
                                                 about you and what you do
                                               dont take that in a weird way

             why would i find
            that weird?

                                              people usually find me weird
                                            didnt you call me the school
                                                                         weirdo too?                                                                       

               i didnt know what
              else to call you


                                                                gn then

             oh you're going to
             sleep? well gn


by the time rui set back down his phone, the sun had finally disappeared and the dark night sky was out. rui turned on his small lamp that rested by his bed, illuminating his room. soon, rui placed the purple bat robot on the floor carefully, and laid down, closing his eyes.


rui put on a purple, pink, and yellow vest. he had a black shirt and white pants, along with boots. starting up a few robots and grabbing some props and throwing them into a bag, he exited his home. rui was infamous at phoenix wonderland for his shows with robots..along with his unapproved theme park performances. it never bothered rui though, since he got away each and everytime.

walking towards the park, he got his equipment ready, and set up in the area of the entrance. his shows usually consisted of small stories he came up with, and robot actors being the stars of the show. the shows in phoenix wonderland usually did better than his street performances, hence the reason he always came back.

ruis robots took over as he told his stories, and soon, a large crowd surrounded him. rui did sometimes do smaller acts, such as juggling or making balloon animals, but other than that, he had no other role. rui glanced around as he told the story about an alchemist, and soon caught his eye on something. a blond haired boy with peach tips with an eye catching costume along with two other people, a pink haired and grayish-green hair girl.

among the three, rui recognized two: tsukasa and nene. nene was ruis childhood friend, and tsukasa was...well..tsukasa. the group of three seemed to notice, and soon nene waved politely.

after the crowd died down and rui could take a break, the group rushed up to him and smiled. "hey rui. didn't expect to run into you here." nene smiled, and tsukasa scoffed.

"ugh nene! that was my line!" nene glared at tsukasa and didnt say another word.  tsukasa cleared his throat and stared at rui, only to find that rui was already looking at him. "well...rui! what are you doing here? do you perform here as well? how come ive never seen you?"

rui smiled. "dont ask so many questions at once. but, what does interests me is that you're working with my dear friend over here." rui's eyes moved in the direction of nene, where she was talking to an energetic pink haired girl, who was slightly smaller than nene.

tsukasa seemed annoyed after rui mentioned nene. "ugh! she always has these rude comments after i state my amazing ideas! some people really cant respect a future star." rui smiled, imagining the insults nene used on a guy like tsukasa.

"...but other than that, lets get to the point: can we recruit you into our musical troupe!?"


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