Chapter 16: talk

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"I've always believed the stars are our loved ones that has passed " Alice laid smiling up at the starry sky.

Adam nodded along  "got that from the loin king" Adam questioned glancing towards his girlfriend who did nothing but smile back at him

"It's a cute concept, I can't remember my human life so thinking about the family I might've had before watching me is comforting "turning on her side she laid her head on his chest beginning to draw patterns on him.

"That must have been hard" Adam mumbled. He couldn't understand what she went through but forgetting your entire family can sadden anyone. He hoped he never did even if they are hard to be around sometimes

"Do you ever wonder about who they were"

"All the time, I like to pretend sometimes. Say they were good people who loved me very much. That my father spoiled me rotten along with my smother. That I had a good life beforehand. Before I was changed that is."

He felt a bit bad about her situation. Loosing memories can't be easy for anyone. He was glad she atleast took a positive way of thinking. He doubt many would in that case.

"The bright side is that Carlisle found you and now you have a nice big family" Adam kissed her forehead before sitting up and pulling her along"we should probably head back"

It was getting late not that Alice seemed to mind. Then again she didn't sleep or get cold and hungry, which he was all of the above right now."need me to carry you"

"I mean you did kidnap me and drag me up a cliff. Quit embarrassing considering I had no warning so I'm pretty sure your entire family heard my scream"

"It was quite girly"

Eyes wide and offended Adam put a hand over his heart"you wound me Alice, I'll like to say is was manly enough of a scream"

Alice shook her head amused before quickly taking Adam and jumping from the cliff.

"Alice!" He screamed holding on to her for dear life. He knew she would never harm her but still jumping from a high cliff would give anyone a heart attack. They landed quickly and she took off back to camp laughing the entire way.

Didn't take them long to get back and Adam was gasping as if he had run. "I'm never traveling with you again" he quickly hopped off of her and hid behind esme who was quick to pat his back

"Stop teasing poor Adam" she gave everyone a look barely hiding her amusement before handing Adam a bottle of water and a box of pizza Emment went and got just for him.

Adam eyes seem to light up as he took the food and water"your a lifesaver "

"Hey! I'm the one who went and got it" Emment exclaimed puffing out his chest proudly

"Who cares about the fact." Adam smirked going into his tent and ignoring Emments whining. Alice sooner joined him

"We should go camping more" she mumbled looking at Adam . She enjoyed this time she had with him. The entire Cullen family did. He was already apart of the family and they protect there own

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21 ⏰

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