A day for myself (Chp.27)

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Saturday. Argueably the best day of the week.

Saturday is the 2nd day of the weekend and there you won't have to worry about going to school or work.

Which means on Saturdays we do...

Absolutely Nothing.

We can be lazy all day and no one can tell us not to be lazy.

This is perfect for Izuku. When he woke up, he felt like shit and didn't want to do anything

Even the most hardworking people can be lazy.

"Thank god its a Saturday" he muttered while getting out of bed.

The days spent cleaning the dorms and needing to check if Agatha was available for the interships took a toll on him.

It was a long week.

Arriving in the bathroom, Izuku proceeded to brush his teeth.

After brushing his teeth and spitting out the toothpaste, he went to exit the bathroom, but he stopped once he saw his hand on the doorhandle.

He noticed rather recently that his fingers startes to turn black.

He isn't sure if thats a side effect of the usage of Chaos magic or something else.

"Now that i think about it, i've also been hearing voices" he quietly said to himself.

If he had to describe the voice, it would be a deep, demonic and a somewhat echoing voice.

'This isn't the first time i heard voices' he thinks as he exits the bathroom.

The other time he heard voices was when he was still a quirkless middle schooler.

At that time, it was merly his head telling him how worthless he is and how he shouldn't be here.It stopped after awakening his powers.

The new voice intruigs him however.

Deciding to think about it later...or tommorow, Izuku went to the main hall. Still wearing his PJ's.

Before he entered, he disguised the collr of his fingers, not wanting to make everyone worried.

"Morning." He announced with a tired tone, yet still smiling.


He went to the kitchen, got a bowl and a spoon and last but not least he took Sugar Snaps out of a cabinet.

The only thing missing is the milk. Convienently, it was already on the table.

After he finished making it, Sero chimmed in with bad news. "Sorry buddy, but i think that milk expired yesterday."

Izuku proceeded to grap the milk bottle. Disbelief spread on his face as he read the expiration date. Sero was right.

Not wanting to give up, Izuku smelled the cereal in order to know if it is truly to bad to eat cereal with.

"Smells fine." He says as he eats a spoonful of sugar snaps and joins the others on the table.

The weirded out expression of Sero went unnoticed.

After chatting with everyone and finishing breakfast, the class talked together about what to do today.

"Easy. We're going Shopping at the mall!" Ashido announced.

5 'No's' were said.

Ashido deflated at that. "Ok. Who said that and why not?!" She exclaimed, hoping to change their minds.

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