Behaviour issues (Chp.49)

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While the Midoriya family was having a normal time in billy and Teddies home, Class 1-A in U.A were currently also watching the news.

Uraraka, Tsuyu and Kirishima went to the kitchen when the news broadcast came. It may be censored, but they saw the ruin and bloodshed in person.

Needless to say, it made them feel sick.

Everbody was on edge because there might be a crazy serial killer or villain on the loose. The report did say that some evidence was found, but it would be near impossible to track the person down.

"Turn it off" Sato requested, the sight making him lose his appetite for his sugary snack.

Koda took the remote and turned the TV off as requested. Then he put it back and cuddled his rabbit in fear.

"We'll be fine. I know you all think they're going to come for us, but i doubt that." Todoroki tried consolling his classmates. He has been slowly warming up to them overtime. "The police did say it was most likely a revenge killing. Maybe they did just that and will leave us alone"

Toru, the invisible girl, objected "We don't know that! Theres so many freaks and maniacs nowadays!"

The 'plague excorcist was on everyones mind. What did they look like? What was their quirk capable of?

The mere thought made them shudder of the potential threat. If this person really was as insane as the media made them out to be, it will be hectic

Attempting to calm the situation as class president, Momo intervened "Lets try to not think about this situation too much. Security has increased at the school and if that maniac does come to the school, we will atleast have good heroes to defend us. Please do not lose hope."

Momo was something like the Mom-friend. Always making sure everyones fine and not overthinking, which gave her quite the well suited reputation.

"We'll try." Uraraka said as she Tsu and kirishima exited the kitchen and joined the others at the living room.

"Wait a minute..." Tsu started to point at everyone individually and started counting "someones missing. We're 20, not 19"

"It doesn't take a genius to guess whos missing. That idiot is just a social outcast." Ashido said with her arms crossed. She was still upset over her altercation with Izuku.

"Don't call him like that." Uraraka pleaded with Ashido "He's going through a rough time. Give him some time."

Half of the class nodded, Momo even praised her. Due to his mothers death, Izuku's behaviour has drastically changed.

At the beginning of the school year, he was a shy, yet determinded young man who wanted to make everyone smile. Now, he seems cold and rather distant.

He spends most of his time in his room after school. If he doesn't do that, he takes a walk around campus. Sometimes, Monoma comes bothering him, but a simple 'what mouth?' does the trick.

"So what? Iidas brother got paralized and he didn't treat us like crap." Ashido argued. Iida didn't appreciate what she said.

To everyones surprise, Dark shadow decided to appear and set the record train. "His brother is still breathing, no? Midoriyas mother is no longer with us. People cope differently with grief, you lummox!"

This shut mostly everyone up...mostly

"But even before his mother died, whenever that was, he still acted like a prick after our first internship. Do you remember when he just yeeted us away at the training camp?"


"Man, i'm exhausted." Sero whined as he collapsed on the ground.

They were supposed to train in their own way to strenghten their quirks. Sero has never felt this exhausted.

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