Agatha disapproves (chp 37)

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"About what?" Izuku asks Agatha, acting innocent.

"Cut the act! I know what you did!" Agatha said as she entered the room and locked the door.

"What are you even talking about?" He asked again.

"I know you have been using tje darkhold to dreamwalk to other universes!" She tells him.

Izukua eyes widened in shock. How did she found out.

"You used it and killed innocent people!"

"To be fair, they were spirits and are already technically dead. I only erased them from existence and can bring them back any moment. So..." he tried to argue.

"Thats not the point! You could've caused an incursion where two universes collide." She said.

She stepped closer to him as he stepped back until his back touched the wall.

"Why are you so mad. You're the one who gave it to me."

"Bullshit. Thats what the demon inside told you and you went along with it." She shut his accusation down quickly.

"So what if i did?" He asks, letting the innocent facade go.

"That book is dangerous! It calls out to their victim, promising lies and deceiving you into taking it." She told him.

"The darkhold only showed me the truth. Besides-" he says as he looks her dead in the eyes.

"What about you?" He asks.

"This isn't about me! Stop trying to change the subject."

"You say this as if you never used it. Your fingers however say otherwise" He calmly states as he points to them.

Compared to Izuku, Agathas fingers had a faded black on it. His were pitch black and was halfway through his middle phalanges.

"...I was young when i first started using it and thats why the other witches tried to execute you. Don't you see, it makes you do unspeakable things." She warns him.

"How so?" He asks, wanting her to be more specific.

"The darkhold corrupts anything and anyone who touches it. Look what it has done to you" She says as she chants a spell.

The spell formes into a memory. It showed how cheerful and kind Izuku was before the darkholds influence.

Then, however, a memory came where he first got the darkhold.


"This is quite the interesting room. So many witchy things and-" he mumbled on and on as he wrote in his notebook.

The dungeon where he and Agatha sparred was huge and an unexperienced person can easily get lost.

'Izuku Midoriya...' a deep voice said in his mind.

In surprise, he dropped the notebook and turned to the origin of the voice, hands glowing with chaos magic.

Albeit, there was only a door. That door looked like it was seales with magical chains.

'Get through the door my child...' the voice said.

This creeped the boy out. He would gladly like to call agatha, but he can't and this was the only door here and he didn't know he could teleport.

He assumed that it was an exit and went towards the door.

He saw the chains, covered in purple magic.  The voice spoke again...

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