Taking them on alone (Chp.38)

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Because of the attack that happened yesterday, Overhaul gave many of his henchmen do night duty outside and inside.

You can never know if the witch decides to attack again.

He also appointed Hekiji Tengai to guard outside. The resaon for this is because hekijis quirk, Barrier, allows him to create strong shields to protect himself and his allies.

The enemies can't hurt them from the outside of the barrier. But his allies can't hurt them too, since the barrier also blocks attacks from the inside.

He was also given a special drug that enhances his quirk and makes it stronger for emergencies.

While that was mostly done for avoiding future attacks, most of them weren't thrilled by this since it meant they will miss out on sleep.

"This sucks"

"Tell me about it."

The guards would occasionally small talk under the moonlight. That small talk was cut short when they noticed that the moon was covered.

Huge black clouds covered the Headquarters and howls and screams were heard.

The members went into defensive positions. One of them ran inside to warn Overhaul of the phenomenon.

"Sir!" One of them says as they rush inside to his office.

Overhaul was currently in a meeting with three league of villains members. Toga, Twice and Dabi.

"You better have a good reason to interrupt me" Overhaul said.

"Huge black clouds suddenly started appeating! We think omething is trying to attack us!" He told him.

Overhauls eyes widened. He was here.

"Prepare yoursels for battle. Take any gun you need, but don't kill him. I need him alive." He told the henchman as he ran off.

He then looked at the three league members. "If you want to prove your loyalty, you better help us with this inconvenience."

A reluctant 'fine' came from each of them.

'Everthing will soon go to my favour.' He says as he makes his way to Eris room.


The dark clouds were now covering the entire Hq. The only source of light they had was a few lamps the had put outside.

In the sea of black cloud, a deep red could be seen in the middle. The clouds moved away from that red spot, which revealed the attacker.

Each of them were pointing some sort of gun at the attacker. Hekiji already took the drug before hand.

"Members of the shie hassaikai, i'm going to make this clear right now." The attacker, who turns out to be a boy, annoumces loudly.

"I have come for your bosses head and none of you will stop me from that." He threatens.

"Why should we listen to you kid!" One of them loudly says.

"Because your life is in my hands right now, yet you don't know it." He calmly states.

He then looks at them with a smile. He seems to have an offer.

"If you get out of my way and let me decapitate your boss, i will let you live and you no longer have to fear being killed by doing one slight mistake." That was Wiccans offer.

That lead to most of them being quiet. The child did have a point of the boss killing one of them for the slightest mistake.

But still, they remained loyal and refused his offer.

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