Back to School (Chp.46)

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Izuku dreaded this. The day where the internships officialy ended and when its time to go back to U.A.

Many things wander through his mind when he is on the train.

Do they know he caused the yakuza incident? How did Wanda create quirks? How should he tell everyone of his mothers passing?

'Today is going to be a headache' Izuku thought as he left the train and entered the U.A. gates.

After he changed his shoes, he made his way toward Class 1-A very nervously and with slight insecurity.

His hair did turn into a umdercut, but he wonders if he should grow it out or leave it as it is.

'I just know i'm gonna get stared at.' He despairingly think as he opens the door and wents in.

Surprisingly, only iida, Uraraka and Momo were there.

"...Good morning" Izuku said awkwardly.

The three replied with a simple 'good morning aswell'.

Nodding, he went to sit om his seat by the window and nervously awaits the others coming in.

"Hey, Midoriya" Uraraka said, finally stopped calling him 'deku'.

Appreciative, he asked "Yes?"

"I like your hair." She compliment.

"You sure? Thanks. Honestly, i'm still a bit unsure about it. I don't know if i want it to stay that way, or let it grow out." He answered with honesty. He did get made fun of for having 'mop hair'

Uraraka just awkwardly stared. Momo and Iida did aswell.

Deciding to break the silence, he asked "why are you all staring at me?"

Another awkward silence befalls them. Iida then spoke up.

"We just wanted to know if you feel...better since you know..." Idda didn't finish the sentence.

Now Izuku was confused. "What do you mean?" He said as he opened his bag and was taking out his pencil case.

"Why...your mothers death of course." This time, Momo was the one that answered with a sympathetic tone.

Izuku dropped his pencil case as to what he had heard. How do they know? He never told anyone in class and was planning to tell them when he was ready. Looks like someone that plans out the window.

He looked at the three and gave them a questioning look. He wants amswers. Now.

"Who. Told. You?" He said with a quiet, yet intimidating tone.

There were 2 possible suspects. It was either the faculty, who was probably fed up with his classmates curiosity or his behavior...or...

Without hesitation, Uraraka said "Bakugou".

At the mention of the name, Izukus eyes darkened. Suddenly, they slowly turned red, slightly spooking the others.

"Of course he did...of-fucking-course he did. He really does not knoe how to keep that mouth shut." He said in a quiet voice, his annoyance and frustration being very visible

The one thing he hoped that bakugou would not say, out of respect, did not happen. Iida, standing up from his seat, went over to Izuku and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Some of the others may have...asked too many questions during their hangout with him. Ashido then texted everyone about it. I know you wanted to wait until you were ready" Iida said regretfully and rubbes his back.

Thats all Izuku needed to know. He appreciated the comfort, but what was on his mind was the situation now. He just wanted to scream out loud. He knew today was going to be crap.

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