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A/n: Shout out to AbdallahElfeky for being such a huge fan.

Also shout out to MidnightRose351 for being the first one to know about the darkholds influence.

Lets begin.

She canceled.

'What a shame.' Izuku thought.

He was supposed to meet his mother inside their favorite café. Its became sort of a ritual go there very month after he awakened his powers.

He was looking forward to it like always. Wanting to order a hot chocolate with some cake while having a nice conversation with Inko.

He was already sitting inside the cafe, eating and reading the text message again.



Are you excited to go?

Of course i am, i'm already
on my way.

Great, i'll see you there sweetheart.
Love you.

Love you too Mom.


I'm sorry sweetie, but i have
to cancel. I have to stay for overtime at work.

Huh? But you don't work on

I know, but something came up.
You can go back to the dorms.

Ok then. Don't overwork yourself!

I won't.


Izuku was now walking back to the dorms, still feeling sad for the cancelation.

He is also slightly worried. His mother doesn't work on Sundays and the sudden call to work didn't make sense to him.

'Life of an adult i suppose' he thought.

On the way, he bumped into a man wearing a mask. The man seemed to recognize him, since Izuku heard a silent "You..."

The man left quickly, presumably in a hurry.

'Ok.' Izuku thought.

He finally arrived to U.A. and entered through the gates. Yet as he entered the gates, Aizawa was waiting for him with a package.

"Did you order something? The delivery guy dropped this off with your name on it." Aizawa says as he hands Izuku the package.

" i didn't order anything though. Or maybe i did and i just forgot." He says.

"Open it in the teachers lounge. Who knows, maybe someone put something inside it that could kill you." Aizawa reasons.

And so he went with him.


It was almost completly empty, there was only a disc in it.

Izuku took it out and placed it on the table on the teachers lounge.

The other teachers were also there. Getting a package with a students was concerning.

It could be that he ordered something and forgot or it could explode when opened.

Izuku gave Aizawa a look, not sure if he should see this. Aizawa nods, giving him permission as Izuku opened it.

He activated it and a hologramm of the same man from the streets was there.

"Hello there Scarlet witch." He menacingly said.

Izuku flinched at that.

"I am Overhaul and this is a warning. We will hunt you down and get your power for ourselves."

The teachers seemed to recognize him, ignoring the power steal statement.

"And for you to not run away, I have a gift for you."  Overhaul moves out of the way.

It was a pool of blood. And in the center...

Was his Mothers head. Completly decapitated.

Izuku gasped loudly as tears started to fall down.

The video ended with Overhaul laughing meniacly.

"No...this is all a prank! She can't be dead?!" Izuku yells.


Izuku screamed and a burst of Chaos magic came out.

He then fell Unconcious from a sweet scent.


Waking up gasping in his room, Izuku was heavily breathing heavily.

"Just a Nightmare" He whispered in relief.

"It wasn't. I'm sorry" Midnight said, sitting next to a chair next to his bed.

Izuku flinched at that, not because Mindnight was there, but that his mom was dead.

All he could do was cry in denial as Midnight  comforted the boy.

"The others are already on the case" she said.

Izuku didn't hear her. Only one word was running through his mind.



"It is my time to shine" the demonic voice said.

The witch knew she failed, but she will try her best to save Izuku from the corruption.

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