Chaos Magic Vs One for all (Chp.33)

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Who would've thought this would happen.

A corrupted telepath from another universe would fight against the now 6 spirits of One for all.

Not the past users, thats for sure.

The intruder has just ripped the head of the first one off and he isn't going to stop anytime soon.

"Die!" He says as he shots numerous red energyballs at them.

The 6 users dodge them and split themselves up to try to eliminate the threat.

The third stockpiles kinetic energy and jumps high, attempting a punch at Izuku. The boy shields it however and then...

"Yeet!" Izuku says as he throws the third user at the second user. The two crash into each other harshly

Suddenly, Izuku feels something grabbing his leg. It looked like some sort of whip.

Daigoro Banjo, the fifth user, then pulls Izuku down to the ground.

Izuku hits the ground. He then got pulled into the directipn of Daigoro. The fifth one smirked.

"Got ya now!" He said as he attempted to punch him, but Izuku touched the whip and chaos magic turmed it from black- green to red green.

Noticing what he was trying to do, Daigoro let the whip dissapear.

This gave Izuku the oppertunity to kick him in the face. Daigoro flew fast and also crashed into the second and third user, who just recovered and are down again.

Yet, for some reason, smoke started to cover his vision. He couldn't see anything, until a silhouette appeared and punched him in the face.

Izuku fell to the ground but recovered quickly via back flip.

It was En, the sixth user with a quirk called 'Smoke screen', who punched him with atleast 45% of power.

"Haven't you had enough?!" En questions Izuku.

Spitting out blood, Izuku says "I'm going to make you suffer in this life and the next!" He yells as he attacks.

The two traded blows with eachother, until Izuku got the upper hand by ripping the sixths eye out.

En screamed in pain. The worst was yet to come as Izukus hand went to his chest and...

His hand was inside Ens chest, a strong grip on his heart as he pulls it out.

The sixth one was lying on the ground, dead, as Izuku destroys the heart, absorbs his quirk and erases the body from existence.

The smoke cleared and he dodged an incoming attack from the fourth one, who was high in the air, attempting a punch from above

The punch made the ground shake and crack, alot of sharp concrete was left from the impact.

It was Hikage Shinomori, the fourth user, who attempted a fatal strike.

Izuku manipulated the sharp concrete with telekenesis amd threw it at the fourth one, yet to his dissmay, they were easily dodged by his opponent.

Hikage Shinomoris quirk, danger sense, allowed him to detect Izukus next move.

Flying in the air, he incased his opponents arm with chaos magic, with the intention of it rotting away.

Slowly, but surely, the arms of the user were rotting, until only the bone was there. He enjoyed the  sound of the fourth ones scream.

He almost finished the job, until he heard a battle cry.

It was Nana Shimura, the seventh user with a quirk that allows her to levitate. She flew into the air and punched Izuku on the chest.

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