Corruption (Chp.31)

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Izuku Midoriya


The Scarlet Witch

And the Harbinger of Chaos

Those were his aliases. All of them represent his identity.

But he couldn't care about it now. Now, he was kneeling on the floor. Infront of him a selfmade shrine with his mothers picture on the center.

It has been 2 days since her death.


His Mother, the kindest and most understanding person of this world, was murdered by the yakuza.

Her body was found inside their home. A cleaver with blood was found, that unfortunatly didn't have any fingerprints.

The text Message he received of her working late was not send by her. He knew there was something wrong when she said she had to go to work on a sunday.

He theorizes it was one of the bastard Yakuza who wrote it.

And as to why they did it...

His powers.

He has no idea why they want it, but he swore that once he finds their headquarters...

He will kill them. Brutally.

He already passed denial. Now, its angers turn.

"You will not get away with this." Izuku says coldy as he looked outside.


Bakugou is concerned. Specifically, with Deku.

His ex-Childhood friends fingers were pitch black.

He distanced himself from him.

And to top it off...

The nerd hasn't come out of his room in 2 whole days and refused to talk to anyone.

Naturally, the class starts to get curious and knock on Izukus door.

Big Mistake.

They either get ignored, get quietly told to leave him alone and in extreme cases, he would yell and cuss at them like a sailor and threathen to make their lives a living hell.

'This isn't like him' Bakugou thought.

He would never admit it...but a small part of him thinks its his fault, that he became like this from years of isolation and bullying.

He also doesn't know what the fuck happened. Even more strange, his parents have been looking rather miserable lately.

While his Mother can keep a facade, his father always shows his emotion. They both had tears on their eyes.

No matter how hard he asks them as to what the fuck happened, they never said anything, telling him he wouldn't be "ready for the news"

'What fucking news you old hag?!" He bewildredly thought out.

His thoughts came to a halt when Aizawa cleared his throat.

"I'm sure you're probably wondering as to why Midoriya isn't here, right?" He asks them.

He continues after everyone nods. "He requested me not to say anything about it to you all. But, to make you people demons spawns satisfied, he will be attending once he is ready."

Iida stood up from his desk in high speed and already started the hand moving. "Did he get in trouble?! Is he in the hospital?! Was he suspend-"

Aizawa glared at Iida with his eyes glowing red. In response, Iida sweat dropped and sat down.

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