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Evan POV, 6:00 AM

I snap out of my nightmare to the sound of screaming from my alarm clock. Another restless night. Whatever, atleast it's not my rude brother or, no offense to Lizzy, annoying sister awakening me like regular. And even better than waking up to my dad doing whatever he does. I wish I didn't see what I did, maybe then I wouldn't be so scared of everything.

Micheal apparently ran into this one kid while in an alleyway with his buddies, and said that maybe we could be friends, since he cries a lot, too. Rude. I could care less, really. As long as he isn't like Mikey, maybe we will get along just fine.
I just hope he actually enjoys me for me. He'll be here around 9:30, more than likely.

Gregory POV, 7:43 AM

Stupid fucking troublemakers. Disturb me from my sleep, bully me, and one of the little snobby bastards wants me to meet his brother? Really?? God, I wish my family wasn't a bunch of dicks who left me on the streets to die. Pro sides of me going over to this kids house; free food and shelter for a night, Cons; it's a stranger, and probably a snob, too. Bastard even said it's cuz I "cry a bunch" is why we would get along! Well maybe if you didn't mention that I'm homeless, I wouldn't have! Whatever!
I'm just gonna get to that kid's house already. Hopefully my mood changes. Probably not.

3rd Person

The walk seemed like nothing at all to Gregory, like it was a normal day, and probably was. He was wearing the only clothes he really had; a striped shirt, khaki shorts, short socks, and some tennis shoes thats had the lick. His hair always stayed curly, but never tangled, since he stole a comb-shank from a different resident in the alleyway. His eyes are a deep chocolate brown.
Evan, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. He wore a striped grey-black sweater over a white polo shirt, blue demin jeans, tube socks, and dress shoes. His hair was combed and naturally straight, but it always ended up slightly messy. His eyes were dark as night, no matter the lighting.
Finally Gregory reached what he believed was the destination of where he needed to go. he paused, and stood shocked at the sight.
"Three stories... fancy gate... Jesus!" he thought, just the view was amazing to him, but also made him feel shameful. He was a bum on rich turfs; an outcast.

Gregory POV, 9:28 AM

I was right! these dudes are a bunch of rich snobs! I just wanna grab the nearest thing and destroy the place! But, at the same time, I feel envy. He has a family, and a brother that I'm meeting with. Who does this house belong to anyway?
He investigated the mailbox outside, only to see the last name "Afton." The last name rang a bell, and it finally clicked.
"HOLY CRAP, THE AFTON'S HOME?" He screamed in awe, then covered his mouth. The Afton's? He thought. But now he was in trouble; he screamed on THE property of them! He stared at the figure walking towards the door, and closed his eyes as he stood on the porch.
He was done for.

(Words: 560)

Go To Bed, Won't You?!?! (FINISHED!)Where stories live. Discover now