⟨An Injury!⟩

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Finally y'all get the other part
School has begun, so I've held back a bit
Now it's time.


3rd Person POV, 3:34 PM

They seem to finally get into asking normal questions, like favorite colors and such. Evan has learned that Gregory is a drop-out, but he's always been okay at doing everything. Gregory has learned that Evan has a school education, and is top of his class. They also both envy eachother. Gregory wants a home with a family, and Evan wishes to be free. This goes on for 2 hours, since they both were quite curious about eachother.

Evan's POV, 5:36 PM

Well, it seems me and Gregory are polar opposites. But that doesn't mean I don't like him. He's pretty funny, calming, and my first ever actual friend. And, he seems smart for being a forced drop-out. Our talking is interrupted by a door opening, and my brother's loud talking.
He seems happier than usual.
"Yo, Ev, I'm home!" He called out to me. I screamed hello back, still sitting with Gregory.
"I've decided I'm gonna spend all night with Jeremy. Just wanted to tell ya!" He shouted, replying to me.
I was ready to reply, but was interrupted by Gregory screaming to him.
"Yeah, your boyfriend!"

Boyfriend? What? I began to get a little nervous, as I heard my brother rush up the steps. My door swung open.
"He is not my boyfriend!"
"Are you sure? Cuz from what I saw before you noticed me in the alleyway was you and Jeremy 'being friendly,' that's for sure."
Gregory was then met with a shoe to the face from my brother, then he flipped him off, before storming out of my room, down the steps, and closing the front door yet again.

Gregory's POV, 5:37 PM

Damn! Did he really have to throw that shoe at me?? I covered my nose and mouth with my hand as soon as I felt blood come down my nose. I tried to not look at Evan, but he seemed to notice me already.

His face looked concerned, and his hand slowly began to graze mine. What the hell?? My heart started to race, and my cheeks and ears felt hot. What has been going on with me recently?
"Hey, it's fine!" I said, sounding muffled and clogged up.
"No it's not!" He replied roughly, grabbing my wrist and yanking my hand down forcefully. He was stronger than me, so I couldn't really fight back with his grasp.

But that didn't matter. What mattered is that his face was close to mine, and he was staring right into my eyes. My heart got faster and my breathing slowed. I bit my lip, and looked away, cutting eye contact. Maybe I was scared?
I felt a hand go onto my face, and a tissue tap onto my nose.

Oddly enough, this felt comforting, so my heart calmed down and my face didn't feel so hot anymore. I moved my eyes back to his, and he was still focused on me.
"Well, he hadn't done anything terrible, like make you have a busted nose, but he definitely gave you a nosebleed." He said, finally drying it all up. "I'm sorry he got aggressive." He whispered in a guilty tone. I hugged onto him, and he soon gave in.

I'm glad I have someone like him. But, what was wrong with me earlier?
I'll have to do research.

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