⟨A Comfortable Rest⟩

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Finally, we are nearing the end.
Might make another story! This time, its gonna work a whole different way
Get ready 🤭
Also wow, a part with just Gregory's POV??

[Gregory, 12:05 A.M.]

My body moved and adjusted itself, and I opened my eyes. The room was dark, besides the glowing red alarm clock nearby. I realized that Evan was still dead asleep, and buried into me. As I grew a smile, I began to try and wake him, nudging him only a little.
I heard his voice say,

"No... Five minutes... Hmmm..."

"It's me, Gregory. Wake up, it's 12 A.M."

He opened his eyes, and seemed to look for something. Soon, a bright light filled the room, and I had to blink a bunch to adjust.
Holding a flashlight to the roof, he looked at my dimly lit face.
"I was sleeping comfortably, you know?"

I giggled a little at him. "Well, we need to figure out a way for me to exit safely. I'm sure your dad didn't know a stranger would be in his house."
"Well, I could find out a way for you to get out of the window." He answered, his voice still groggy.
"Guess that's the only way we got. I can hop out normally!"

This, which I didn't know, would became a small dispute on if I would be okay physically jumping from that high.

"I'm agile, I can do it!"
"It's not a matter of if your agile, it's a matter of if your legs will be okay with it."
"Well my legs will be fine, don't worry so much."
"Hard not to worry when I love you."

And I went quiet. My face getting all red for just a moment, then spurting out a response.
"I'll be fine, babe."
I won that. I won that dispute. Of course, with the cost being Evan, staring at me like I just said something atrocious.

"Ba- b- babe?-" He stuttered out, his eyes were wide, and I could see that he was starting to get all blush-y.
"Yeah. If we're dating, I'm gonna use some pet names." I smirked. Listen, if he was going to tease me, it was only fair if I did the same in return.

I could see he was trying to make up a response, but all he did was turn off the flashlight, and whisper-yell to me: "G-Go to bed!"
I heard him lower back into the bed, and turn over, now facing away from me.

I laid back down as well, and wrapped my arm around him. He was obviously okay with that, as I felt him hold my hand.
I decided I would tease him one final time.

"I love you, dear." I whispered to him
"Go to bed, won't you?!?!" He almost yelled, curling up his body a little, as his grasp on my hand tightened.
But just when I was about to doze off, he responded.

"I love you too, darling. I'm going to miss you..."

Go To Bed, Won't You?!?! (FINISHED!)Where stories live. Discover now