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Gregory's POV, 10:11 AM.

Finally out of the shower! I stepped out and made sure that any mess I had made was cleaned up. After drying both my hair and myself off, I slipped on the clothes Evan gave me and looked at myself. My hair was messy, and didn't even try to stay down. And the clothes seemed to be just a size too big, the jeans being baggy and the shirt having to be tucked in. Looked like a polo shirt.
Not a complaint, though. I look fucking hot!
I slipped on the socks he gave me, and picked up the shoes with my two fingers. I bet he thought I died in there.

Evan's POV, 10:14 AM.

Is he okay in there? It's been a long time. I heard the shower water finally stop, so I guess he's finished now.
I was interrupted by the door opening.
My brother.
"Yo, crybaby! You're old enough to take care of yourself, so I'm gonna go hang out with Jeremy. If you two tear up the house, dad will kill me, so behave!" He shouted, like he was far away and not at my damn doorway. I winced at the screaming.
"Must you be so loud?" I complained.
"Yeah, I do. Anyways, yeah, I'm outta here. Like I said, behave. Dad's working overtime, and Lizzy is doing a sleepover as well, so you got the house to yourself for a long time. Bye." He had said, and left my door open, as always. My brows furrowed and I went to close the door before I heard running to the door. It was Gregory.

"Sorry it took so long! How do I look?" He said, and posed in a weird way, like a model. I noticed that his bandaid was gone, and I could now see a small scar. So that's what he was covering up.
"You look cool." I said, my tone sounding pale.
"Just cool?!?!" He said in an offended tone, looking at me like just said the most terrible thing.

Gregory's POV, 10:16 AM.

Meanie. I thought I looked hella attractive. I rolled my eyes and walked by him gently, scoffing like I was actually upset. I wasn't. I flopped down on his bed and holy shit this was comfy! I let out a happy laugh. Evan looked at me funny.
"You are aware that is my bed, yes?" He asked.
"Actually, you got two decisions; we share, or you're sleeping on the floor, cuz it won't be me!" I declared to him, which made him laugh. Knew it! He's not cold-hearted. I laid there spiraled out, and he soon went to sit by me.
I heard a door shut from downstairs. Guess his brother left.
"So, what do you want to do?"

Go To Bed, Won't You?!?! (FINISHED!)Where stories live. Discover now