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Now, this story was originally made as a joke, but I guess I could continue working on this. So, for this part, I'll be answering possible questions I may get.

Q. Do you ship Gregvan?

A. ...eh? I mean, I won't judge you if you do. Hence, once this story is truly finished, I won't be removing it from this page. I don't really have an opinion on it.

Q. What's your plans for this story?

A. I actually plan to make this book just about them becoming friends, and the second one I make will actually make it form into a relationship. Could change it up tho, and just make it all come together in this singular book.

Q. If someone requested a fan service book, would you make it?

A. Absolutely! I would love to make a fan service book. Just to know people enjoy my content enough for that kind of thing would make me so happy!

Now, for some information about me

- My name is Evan.
- I go to highschool, meaning I'm a minor.
- My hobby is art/drawing, so writing isn't my strong point.
- I enjoy things related to FNAF (Blueycapsules and such)

That is all. School begins for me again soon, so I'll try to get as many parts as I can out

Thank you for all the support. 88 reads, and getting that many votes means the whole world to me! It's not much to many others, but to me, it's like getting
1st place.

Thanks again for the support, and stay patient!

Go To Bed, Won't You?!?! (FINISHED!)Where stories live. Discover now