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Evan POV, 9:29 AM

My attention is brang to muffled screaming outside. Sounds like a child! I go to open the door in pure concern, but my brother beats me to it, pushing me aside. If I was stronger than him, I swear... My brother seems to be already prepared to lecture the kid off our property, but seems to pause, giving a slight chuckle.

"Oh, Evan! It's that kid I wanted you to meet! Get your ass outside!" He screamed.

Jeez, pardon the profanity, won't you?? He moves away from the doorway and lets me leave the home. Issue is, as soon as I stepped away from the door, it was slammed shut behind me. And I can just tell he locked it behind me, too. I lock eyes with him, and my once wave of annoyance is replaced with remorse. He looks so... beaten up. His clothes are stained, and his shoes look like they're one wrong removal to falling apart! And he looks like he hasn't been able to even bathe in a creek somewhere.
His eyes are a nice shade of brown, though. Very nice. Wait, what's going on with me? Hold on, I've been staring for too long. Snap out of it, Evan!

Gregory POV, 9:30 AM

The look of pity. Great. God, I fucking hate that look. "Oh, pity me, I'm just a poor, little, defenseless, homeless boy!" That's what that look screams. I can defend myself, damn it! I keep staring at him, waiting for him to speak, but he only seems to grow kinda pink-ish around his cheeks and shake his head in whatever emotion that was. He finally speaks up, though.

"You're Gregory, right?"
"No, I'm a trespasser."

"Alright, A Trespasser. What an odd first name, just being a letter. My name is Evan." He said, walking towards me and laying out his hand for me to shake. I accepted with no hesitation, since he's a master at sarcasm. It's soft, his hand. I let go when he does.
"Yeah, my name is Gregory." I finally confirm, smiling.
"Last name?" Evan asked me. "If I knew, I'd tell you."
"Huh? how do you-" He seemed to be cut off by his dickhead brother screaming his name. Didn't even notice he reopened the door.

"Are you two gonna come inside, or keep lollygagging?" Dickhead asked his brother. I got really excited. I bet this house is amazing inside, as much as it looks outside. I grab Evan's hand and start speed-walking towards the door. I look back at him, and he has that same pink tint on his face. Is he okay? I'll pay it no mind.

"Come on, let's go!"

Go To Bed, Won't You?!?! (FINISHED!)Where stories live. Discover now