⟨Give In.⟩

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Okay, i'm giving you what you want, for I have ran out of idea to push it back
Enjoy the food.

Gregory's POV, 7:13 P.M.

Be a man, damn it!
I spoke up. FINALLY! Now, how can I word this without instantly telling him I'm in love with him? Man this is hard- Wait! Maybe it's like confessing to a girl! ...But it's a boy... a really gentle, cute boy- SNAP OUT OF IT, GREGORY! Jesus, I'm a lost cause- Oh yeah, I should be asking him that question
"Do you... do you like boys?"
Great wording, Gregory, REALLL smart.

Evan's POV, 7:14 P.M.

"Do you... do you like boys?" He asked, as he looked back at me, his tone was soft and nervous-seeming. My heart began to pound out of my chest. Was he...
He had to be. No other explanation for such a question. He was- no, he is trying to tell me he likes me.
I have to reject him. What will father think?

...To HELL what he thinks! I'm in LOVE, damn it, and he can't change that! Not now, not ever. He makes me feel secure and safe, and... really warm and fuzzy inside. He makes me smile and all that cheesy stuff.
I'm gonna respond, and I'm gonna do it with pride.

"I had never thought about it until recently, but I think I do." I stated, looking into his eyes as I put emphasis on the "recently" part.
His face began to beam red, and his eyes widened. But he then turned his head, refusing to look at me at all. Yet, he had a reaction, which means he heard me loud and clear.

"Why are you aski-" I was cut off.
"Because I love you!" He screamed, looking at me again.
He... loves me?

Gregory's POV, 7:14 P.M.

...SHIIIIIIITTTTTTT! Well THAT was NOT "take it slow" at all! I turned my head as fast as I could without breaking my neck away from him, my eyes looking around every corner. FuckfuckfuckfuckfUUUUCK I am SOOOO done forrrr! Now he hates m-

My train of thoughts were interrupted by his hand touching my face and forcing my eyes to look into his. He didn't look like he was mad at all. All I did was stare at him. I knew my face was red, and my heart was trying to leave my ribs and out my chest, but at this point, I paid it no mind at all.

The air was still, like something was bound to happen.
God, I'm anxious.

Go To Bed, Won't You?!?! (FINISHED!)Where stories live. Discover now