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Y'all aren't getting that kiss yet.
Stay patient, it will come around, just not yet. 😇

Evan's POV, 5:42 PM

My thoughts were interrupted by something seeming to fall off of my nightstand; My clock. I instantly looked over and went to pick it up, rearranging anything if the time had changed, or the alarm button was pressed. I looked back at Gregory, who was just sitting there, now.

"Sorry about that..." I apologized to him, my hand moving to and rubbing the back of my neck.
"Oh, it's fine." He said in a soft tone of voice. I said next to him again, our shoulders close to one another. I began to hold his hand again. It gave me comfort.

...I'm tired.

Gregory's POV, 5:43 PM

Okay, calm down, this is fine, everything is fine.

...NO ITS NOOOOT! I just figured out I like this kid in a romantical way, and now ALL of a sudden, this shit is happening! Hell, WE ALMOST KISSED NOT EVEN 5 MINUTES AGO!
Take a breather. I'm sure he can hear your heart try and beat out of its chest.

...He looks adorable- GOD DAMN IT!

3rd Person POV, 5:45-7:09 PM

Gregory soon slowly moved Evan to lay down on the bed, instead of on him. He joined along beside him, but he wasn't going to sleep.
The room was dead silent.
He kept thinking to himself, trying to figure out why he suddenly had feelings for Evan. Then, he though about it more.

Did Evan like him back, or was he just a friend to him? Thinking about even the thought of rejection hurt him, and he slowly began to get emotional, covering his mouth incase he began to cry.
And cry he did, trying to only soak up his clothes, and not make it obvious he was upset. And even then, if Evan noticed, he wouldn't be able to explain it. What would he even say?; "Oh, I was crying because I feel like you wouldn't like me as your boyfriend!"

He was ashamed of himself. Why did he have to feel this way? And for someone that he hasn't even known for a full day yet? The hour-long episode of crying paused entirely when Evan's arm wrapped around his body tight, his head rubbing into his back. His emotions turned from upset to flustered fast.

Gregory moved his arm slowly out of being grabbed to interlock his hand with Evan's, soon closing his eyes to let himself rest. An hour wouldn't hurt, right? And besides, the boy you love is next to you.

Well, the boy you hope loves you back.

Go To Bed, Won't You?!?! (FINISHED!)Where stories live. Discover now