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Gregory's POV, 9:32 AM.

I pushed that asshole aside and my shoes stood still. My eyes looked around every corner of the place. I was right, this house is AMAZING! And I'm gonna be here for one whole night?? Maybe luck is going my way! I have to check out every room, I just gotta! Afton's residence. I am living luxury right now, baby!

3rd Person POV, 9:32 AM.

Gregory then let go of Evan's hand, and ran around the whole house, checking out every room that was downstairs he possibly could. His eyes seemed to sparkle with everything he discovered. Evan, on the other hand, was watching him like he lost his mind. 3 stories wasn't much to him, but Gregory thought it was a mansion.

Evan's POV, 9:36 AM.

I waited for him to finish, and he instantly ran back to me, not heavily breathing at all, but jumping around. He had a large smile on his face, and his eyes seemed to give away the excitement he felt.
"I wanna see your room!" He shouted, and grabbed both of my hands, running me up the stairs. My face heated up yet again as my feet just followed with him.

Time skip: Evan's Room.
Evan's POV, 9:37 AM.

He opened the door to my room and gazed around every corner, smiling like an idiot while doing so. He refused to touch anything, considering how he got really close to my items, but didn't lay a single graze of his hand on them. He ran back to me yet again, and stared at me.
"What should we do?" He said in anticipation.
"Well, first, you could take a shower and change clothes." I said in a gentle tone.
...Okay, that sounded really rude nonetheless.
"N-no offense, of course!" I stuttered out.
God, I'm such an asshole.

But he smiled at me, and giggled.
"I don't care." He said in an optimistic tone. "Just toss me some clothes and I'll get to it!"
I dug around my closet for any spare clothes I never wore, and found some I think would fit him. I gave them to him gently and he instantly ran out of the room.
"I'll be back!" He shouted.
"I know that!" I replied.
I heard loud giggling, and a door shut.

He seems very nice. Happy, too. I noticed some things about him already. His eyes are a deep brown, and he keeps himself oddly neat despite his situation. He has a gap in his front teeth, a bandaid on his face that seems worn out, and seems to jump around when he's happy. He's quite interesting.

... I think he's cool.
I hope we get along.

Go To Bed, Won't You?!?! (FINISHED!)Where stories live. Discover now